may have messed up with Vintner’s Harvest

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
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I bottled a batch of Blackberry that I had made with Vintner's Harvest Fruit Base. I only used one can for a 5 gallon batch and itwas really thin. I added Blackberry Flavoring to it and Sweetened to a desert wine. Now 8 days later I have some sediment showing up in the wine bottles.

I racked three times added Sparkaloid waited two weeks then ran through Buno Vino Filter #2 polishing filters before bottling. What can I do to rid myself of the seditment? Should I uncork and trash the whole batch? Thanks for any help, Lynn
Should I uncork and trash the whole batch?

Never do that! That is winemaking rule-of-thumb #1!!!

What I suspect is that you filtered & bottled too early. Dump it all into an empty carboy and wait a few months again. Give it time to settle out. Did you stabilize with sorbate? I think you'll even enjoy the taste more if you let it sit for another 3-4 months.

Don't worry about anything, Lynn! Let us know what happens!

I agree. Let it bulk age to allow it to settle out again. Hopefully it was stabilized with sulphite and sorbate after fermenting dry. If not, add the required amounts to the receiving carboy before adding the wine. Top it up!
Thanks for the info. ! I did stabilize properly. I do have a couple of questionsthough.I had sweetened to make it a dessert type wine. Will my sweetener settle out also? Should I use some type of clearing agent? Thanks for the help you all! Maybe I learn enough to be able to help others someday. Lynn
Sugar will not settle out. I am not sure about other sweeteners. Give it some time before you decide to use a fining agent. If you do use something, filter again through the #2 MiniJet pads before bottling. Anyway, I would. How does it taste?

Turn the lights down and use it for your "house wine" you will never
know the sediment is, I'm still working on a batch of that is full of sediment, tastes just fine.
Sorry, for not getting back to you all sooner. I have been really busy. The taste is ok. It was a little on the thin side because I had only used one of the Vintner's Harvest fruit base cans. I am going to let it settle for a while then re-filter with #2 mini jet and re-bottle. Thanks for the help, Lynn
Question about this blackberry batch. I uncorked and placed into a carboy. I have notice some white substance that is floating on top of the wine. Could this be Campden that did not mix up properly or what is it? Thanks, Lynn