Marbles vs Topping Off

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Senior Member
Oct 19, 2007
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For my MM ME Granbarolo, I used marbles to bring wine up to 1 inch of airlock in carboy. I had never needed to use this technique before and so went out looking for marbles to displace volume. I went to a local dollar store and they had these decorative marbles for flower pots, etc. that I thought would work well and so bought about 5 bags. They're a painted type marble and then after putting them in the wine, noticed they're made in China (what a surprise?!!) and so am now worried that I should rack the wine off the marbles to avoid lead leaching and then find some marbles that aren't painted.

Any comments would be appreciated on this...
I think that's a smart move. I too purchased marbles from a dollar store, but they were the type we used to play with as kids. They are "cats eye" type marbles that have no paint, only glass. I soaked them overnight in strong k-meta then used them. I would rack off the marbles now and get some regular glass ones. All of them are made in China now, so you cannot really avoid that.
I have a question about using marbles. I have a 6 gal. glass carboy and have been a little hesitant about using marbles due to them chipping the bottom of the carboy when I drop them in. Does the wine slow them down enough that this isn't a problem?
I use marbles all the time. Never had a problem. Not to say some day, some where, some one will break a carboywith marbles but they have worked fine for me. The drop pretty fast but I have to go a little slow or they get caught in the funnel. I use the all glass "cats eye" ones also.
Tilt the carboy a little so they roll down the side and not just drop.
Thanks, Dean for feedback. I ordered 8 lbs from e-bay and will rack the wine off this weekend. Maybe I'll go into marble collecting as a secondary looks like some of the cat eyes go for big bucks on e-bay...wild collection hobby to me.
laneygirl, just don't sell your good shooter, you know the one you keep in your pocket untill a very long shot is needed to win the game. If somebody tried to keep my good shooter the fight was on, and somebody usually ended up with a bloody nose or black eye.I just top off, as a lot easer than messing with marbles for me.Tomy
I agree with tomy,top off if possible I don't even want to think about lead,glass chips or any thing else in my wine except wine juice,or rack down but don't place anything else in the wine thats not called for,even though you might have some air space in your fermenter or in the ageing process vessle (not in excess) if you've done the chemistry right you have provided your self with some protection ,a good thought process in preperation before the wine making process starts will also help the air gap process,at least I don't have that as a concern in my process,getting time to finish now thats a different can of worms
I was thinking about using marlbes to "top off" and I was told to boil the marbles for 10 - 20 minutes to make 100% certain their was no microscopic bacteria in the small imperfections of the marbles, then soak them in K-Meta as usual.
TCB54////WE as wine makers all ,we find are own way down the road and all get there in the end,its trial and error,don't be afraided to try or make a mistake thats what its all about theirs always someone around to catch you if you stumble and we my conflict at times but thats the way of thewine making world,JOY TO THE GRAPE
adjust at final stage
have a blast
Edited by: joeswine
tcb54 said:
I was thinking about using marlbes to "top off" and I was told to boil the marbles for 10 - 20 minutes to make 100% certain their was no microscopic bacteria in the small imperfections of the marbles, then soak them in K-Meta as usual.

Good common sense in there use like this you should have no problems, I have used them and never had an issue.
i would like to try this next time. How many marbles should i buy?

id like to do this for bulk ageing then go straight to the bottle from there question is does this effect the the siphoning and do you loose any wine from it or should i rack into something else to bottle from?
I usually start with about 1000 marbles (10 bags of 100) to give me enough to top off correctly. I wash them with soap and water, rinse very very well, then place them in a big bucket with k-meta solution until I need them.
The best marbles to buy are from a pet store that are made to go into aquariums. Dont get any that are painted!!!!!!!
You can probley find these online at ebay pretty cheap, shipping will probley be a little expensive though.

Or check out craft stores or Wally World. Toy section. The number of needed marbles depends completely on how much topping up you need to do. We don't feel we've lost much wine due to marbles in the bottom.
I got all my marbles from the dollar store, and they were unpainted, complete glass cats eye type marbles.
While searching for marbles. we came across river rocks, the smooth kind that look very polished. After washing thoroughly and soaking in K-Meta solution, we used these to top offGina's reisling yesterday. Any concern for contamination?
