making cheese looks very interresting to me

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Well I guess hubby wont try the cheese. So I will have to work at him for a while.
I will try that. He has a fobia about things not being made right, or going bad. He is concerned about the aging part of making cheese and He only eats kraft!!! But I will try the mozza!
Any luck, my cheese kit will be here today after work. I went to Harbor Freight and picked up their 4 pot Stainless Steel Stock pot set on Sunday. Not the highest quality but what do you expect for $20.00.
:mnyMozzarella is just great, you should really have a lot of experience in making cheese.
I vote for cottage cheese.
All the best and do not give up if it is not the first time all ok.

Feta is a good starter cheese to begin with. Mozzarella and Ricotta would be natural progress from there. I find technique and the ideal location for aging is crucial for cheese making. Sanitization, of course, is a given. But also there are much similarities between cheese and wine making. Some of the environment can be shared between the two as well - for example Parmesan will need to age at 50F for 10-12 months much like your Amarone.
I've made farmer's cheese a couple of times using 2% milk and whatever spices I just happen to throw in- my favorite has been with pepper, himalayan pink sea salt, and parsley. I've made one with dill for my husband as well. We eat it with a fork as it's sitting warm in the cheesecloth, and if I have enough to squeeze and form, it's gone the same night!