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I'm certain that many will enjoy the wine you've made this year, even if youcan't just now. Here's tothe both of you enjoying the Good Life
in Mexico. And when you return, we'll all be thinking of youas you engage inthis next round of battle. And when we raise our glasses,we'llsay a silent prayer for you. May you have strength to endure and peace of mind in knowing that there's a light at the end of the darkness. You continue to make a difference in the lives of all who know you. Thank you for showing us that Life is Good.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Don't you be quiting on me too. I had a friend thatfound out he had a brain tumor in late Oct. He left us on the Saturday before Christmas. It was a heart attack the got him in the end. So you have got to stick around. I need someone to fight this with. Enjoy your trip to Mexico. Then you get back here and fight this thing all the way. I'll be praying for you. Life is good.

you certainly have given us all strength - we are glad that we can share this with you. You have many prayers from our end and I am sure from many others. Keep looking up, my friend, and you will get through this. Enjoy your vacation - I think that margarita's are health food in Mexico.

Thanks everyone...It seems everyone is on my side....

Like swill never know what's going to take you down....So live everyday to the fullest. I have always said that I have lived a good life and if it ends today I don't have regrets. Life was good.

I knew I would have to take more treatments, just not too happy with is drug of choice...But, they have so many Chemo drugs that they can mix up combination, if I react to it like last time they can change it. Everytime you start a treatment they go to a stronger drug....So, just pray I don't become resistant.

Lucky I have no pain. These days they can see these things before they get too big and spread too much....This day in age there are good doctors and good medicines and they treat you as best modern medicine can.

So, life is indeed Good...Lets all celebrate each day.
NW, If anyone can beat this thing, It is YOU! You are the strongest person I have ever become aquainted with. You are an inspiration to all of us. Enjoy your vacation. You know our prayers are with you.
NW, I've been thinking about you. I hope the vacation is very relaxing and that your strength is at its maximum. Here is a little "funny" I found to brighten your day. "Hang in there!!"

Thanks....I am hanging in there.

Getting through daily routines, but have haunting thoughts of what lies ahead...Been There!!!!...Done That!!!! know I can do it again and be fine.

How can I feel 100% and have this horrid thing growing undetected...
Guess we are very fortunate to live in the times of modern medicine...Catch things before they hurt.

I will have a great vacation and be so busy that the time will just fly by.

Thanks all.....Life IS Good!!!!
Well, the "Drug Vacation' is coming to an end....
It will be replaced by a Real Vacation....
Then, my turn back in the barrel...Taking Chemo and living a not so Good Life.

Tuesday bright and early we will leave the doldrums of winter and our 'white scape'....


Our friends in Mexico have upgraded our tickets to 1st Class and have arranged for a Limo to meet us at the airport in Cancun...We will be taken to the Port where we will get on a ferry to ....

Isla Mujeres...


Our friends have enjoyed this Island for many winters and have watched it grow into a pretty populated 'Hot Spot'...

They have bought a lot on another Island that we will visit over next weekend.....We will take the ferry back to Cancun, drive their jalopy across the Yucatan Peninsula to the northern part...There we will leave the truck and take a ferry to this quiet Island....

Isla Holbox....


This little Island is quiet and peaceful....Sand streets and transportation by golf cart...No golf courses..No ATM's...No credit cards.....

Here we will hang up our problems and relax.

There are a handful of hotels on this tiny island...Some are Palapas [thatched huts] with hammocks...Some have screens on the windows and mosquito nets over the beds....A couple hotels have air conditioning.....Jim wants to stay in a Palapas...I have heard there are a lot of bugs I am staying in a hotel. The main food there is lobster...even lobster pizza is a must for every visitor.

This is a bird sanctuary and I hope to gt many photos of Flora and Fauna, Fins and Feathers....

It has been many years since these feet set foot on Mexican soil...and even longer since these bones bathed in the waters of the this is a dream come true....

We will return home about 1 AM the following week and by 10 AM of that day I will once again be in the Cancer Treatment Center taking care of these 'alleged' problems I carry inside this body...

The next two days will be painfully long...but many long lists will fill the hours...

Nice pictures along with a nice narrative. Here's wishing you a good journey, great vacation and best of luck when you get back. We are all pulling for you!
NW, I wish you the most relaxing and fun time youve ever had! You really deserve it.
You guys deserve a respite from your daily life. In a way I envy your chance to get away from this nasty weather but I sure don't envy your return to reality>. You certainly deserve this chance to get away from your daily problems for awhile and we will be praying for you as you return to your not so normal routine! Enjoy your trip! (Iknow you will)
have a great fun time folks - you deserve it!!!
our prayers are with you - - -

NW, Have a great time, relax and unwind ,enjoy your vacation . Then with a positive mind set I believe you can and will overcome again. Our prayers are with you always

Don't drink the water and stay away from those left handed cigarettes