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Northern, I just saw your pic (I can't access photobucket at work, where I usually hit the forum during downtime) and showed it to SWMBO. She says "Nice hat - much better than anything I had when I didn't have any hair."
Thanks guys.....
I have a few hats and lots of scarves.
I was a beautician many years ago and loved working and wearing hair pieces and wigs...liked selling them best and dressing the one talked while I worked on them....Never thought I would ever wear one again....There is a room full of them at the treatment center....I look in there and walk away. My head is so hot that I don't think could wear one, at least at this time of the year.

Most of the time I just go around bald [except when I leave home]...I don't see myself, so kind of forget about it till I see my refection or shadow...
Today a lady came to the door...she looked a little surprised, then I realized what she was looking at.

Off tomorrow bright and early for another treatment.....Hope it goes good. Won't sleep for a few days because of the Dexamethasone they administer as fore play before the Chemo drug...then I take pills for 3 days.....sleep will be a stranger till about Saturday.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes....means a lot to have caring OnLine friends....
Hope the treatment doesnt make you feel ill. Looks like with all that no sleeping that you will be prepping more wines! All the powers that exist to ya girl!
You bet Waldo.....We are all hopeing and praying for the best for you Northern...
NW, Best Wishes for tomorrow. I know what you mean about the Dexamethesone.....we give them for allergies at the office. Maybe not in the dosage you get but if I don't get one early when I first get there in the morningfor my allergies.....then you can figure I'm on the forum and internet all night!! Tossing and turning at the least.

Will Be thinking of you!!!.......RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Thanks everyone for the support.

The treatment went well there at 8 AM and was out a bit before 3 PM....A friend sat with me so we got to visit...Meanwhile Jim ran some errands around town and picked up a couple items at the Local Brewing store....then he found a tree and had a nap in the car like a Homeless his dream of being a Hobo.

I really feel so sad when I see young people in the treatment rooms...that is so unfair...... I am so fortunate to feel better every day and hope that the drugs they are giving me are beating up those tumors on those lymph nodes.

To counteract the sleeplessness from the Dexamethasone and the other drugs the Wizard gave me a Rx of a sleeping pill...Temazepam...I looked OnLine and it looks like a little too potent for this old gal...I think it might be overkill....I might try one and ask for something a little milder. I haven't had good nights sleep for 6 weeks...2 hours is a long nap.

So when we got home I felt like dancing a jig on the table, but went out and picked some more raspberries instead....I get this Religious Experience feeling when I am out there looking at those lush berries and harvesting them for some luscious desserts and our favorite wines.... Everyday I think the next day will have a smaller harvest, but separating the canes new trophy clusters are exposed.


The best part of the day was sitting in the waiting room...two couples were comparing their blueberry picking over the past weekend....being a pretty nosy and inquiring person I asked questions.... They willing shared their secret spots....about 50 miles away are bounties of very ripe blueberries...Hope last night storm hasn't dropped them to the ground.

Jim has to spray his soybeans for aphids which should take a day and a half...then we are off to parts unknown and hopefully enough berries for pancakes, syrup and maybe a small batch of wine....Our minds are boggling....Jim loves picking blueberries, but there has to be obstacles for him to truly enjoy his experience...deer flies, mosquitoes, wood ticks and fire ants make his day....I'm going to dig out the bee nets tomorrow for myself....

Life is Good!!!!
Wild blueberry picking reminds me of Blueberries for Sal ...a classic children's book. Do you know it? If not, head to your favorite public library and give it a read. It's dated and wonderful. You must pick into a pail for just the right sound.
It's good to hear your treatment went well. I hope you can find something to help you sleep.
It's my turn tomorrow.
Nice looking berries. I hope you find your blueberry patch too.
Hope all goes well for you and that the treatment doesn't knock you down too badly.

I hear such horror stories of how sick some people get after treatment...I can relate as the first treatment this go-round was a killer for me....I felt 100% before I went in for treatment...didn't know there was a problem except the CT/PET Scans showed rapidly growing tumors...Now 6 weeks later I am finally feeling better...not 100%...but hope in time that will come back.

I hope that you have the strength and inner strength to get through this...It seems that all of a sudden you feel someone or something lift your shoulders and gives you a boost....You'll know when it comes to you.

Good Luck tomorrow....will be thinking of you.
NW, glad the treatments are helping. Here is hoping your naps get longer and you will feel rested and 100%.

And those raspberries look yummo!!! WOO HOO
I went in this morning for the second half of a Chemo infusion...the gals did a really good job and found a nice big had no pain...My other arm is still a little tender from last weeks infusion....but getting better. This treatment went so good I asked if they were sure they put the dope in there.

I do feel the Cortisone/Steroids have kicked in....I am wound up like a cheap alarm clock....Talked to my friend who is also a chatterbox to unwind a now my voice is shot....So..I'll chat with you.

The Blueberry people were there that we talked to last week and the ones who sent us off to the first Blueberry Heaven....Guess they pick across the road from the big trees out in the new tree plantation....Our legs are still a little achy from our escapades...but we are considering another trip. That old gal is so crippled up it's amazing she can go out there.....and she said she went out there the other day...alone...

Cancer people are an odd bunch...all we really have is today....

A friend stopped by for awhile at the treatment center then he went and found Jim at the sporting goods that passed their time........

I got a hug from my nurse....

Came home and cruised the garden.....Got to spray potato bugs tomorrow....pick those never ending raspberries....the weeds are taking over, not only the flowers, but some of the veggies too....then the grapes have gone wild.....

So...will try to make use of all this energy from the 'roids'.....I am going to ask the Dr. if I really need them....seems like it's not natural to take them...tho Chemo drugs sure aren't natural either, but hopefully they'll get the job done.....

The sleeping pills he gave don't do diddly....When I read the side effects I debated not taking them....Side effects include sleep walking, sleep eating and having sex without remembering....I sure don't recall any of the above...

Life is Good!!!!
You are an inspiration to all NW! Going through all that and still with a sense of humor! So you don't remember walking around while eating and having sex huh? That surely would be a sight to see! Good luck to you and keep the faith.
L and Swill. I know those drugs are rough!!! I imagine you get a whole new perspective on life during treatment. I would hope that there is something there for the family. Jim taking a nap in the car/truck or roaming around a sporting goods store will keep him occupied but is there something for the family while you are in treatment?? Seems like there should be but maybe Jim finds his own place to be. Here at theMD Anderson Cancer Center...It is so huge that I imagine the families would be lost without some activities and direction...I hope that is the case. We do have a great center here though.. That is good. I know you are really wired.... and it is hard to be awake when the world is asleep at least for me. I hate listening to the refrigerator run and dark all around. You must look forward to the sun in the morning. I'm with ya.....Ramona

PS: Would those sleeping pills be Ambien??Edited by: rgecaprock
I have to echo appleman 100%! When I read your last post, I just had to share it with the wife. You are truly an inspiration and help to keep everything in perspective. Thank you for brightening my day!
You are so crazy NW! I wish i was nearby to help you with the garden and to learn the GREEN THUMB. Not to mention just to get out of this fast paced life!