Laser label alignment fixture

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Apr 18, 2014
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Sierra Foothills, Nor Cal
I spend good money for grapes, yeast, mlf and put hours of effort in order to make the best wine that I can. I pay a premium for professional looking labels, as I want my wine to look as good as it tastes. It comes down to the final step; putting the label on the bottle. Nothing say amateur more than uneven or crooked labels on the bottle.

Since I bottle 300 or more bottles at a time, I have friends and family assist in the process and I found that setting up different work stations/jobs worked the best. I wanted a fixture that made it real easy for a helper to put the label on the bottle straight and in the same place every time.

I was trying to figure out a way to use a low cost laser when an engineer at worked said you need something like a barcode scanner. Bingo! $14 from eBay, another $14 for a foot switch from harbor freight, an extra USB charger from an old iPhone and some leftover wood and I had the makings for the laser label alignment fixture.

Two dowels keep the bottle centered.


The barcode reader normally times out after 3 or 4 seconds, but I was able to program it to stay on continuously. The foot switch keeps the hands free to handle the bottles.

Built in adjustments for the location of the label on the bottle as well as the angle of the bottle to the operator.

I haven't had the need to run a barrels worth of bottles through it yet, but in my trials it takes but a few seconds to get a label on straight and consistently positioned on the bottle.
Very nice!

Probably a 700mw laser, how long before it burns through the wood? Just kidding.:h
Thats a great idea! Do you buy your labels online or print at home?

Thanks for the replies. I've made some I've had some printed. The labels ladt year were made out of vinyl from a friend. I then customized them based on the varietal. This year I'm bottling 800 bottles and plan on buying labels for all.

You prove once again that you are WMT's resident "Macgyver"! Great idea and brilliant execution. But what about those pesky Zin bottles that are fatter at the top and get skinnier towards the bottom? They don't have the same perfect rounded curvature?
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PLUS... it is operated by foot pedal to keep your hands free!!!!

This appeals to the winemaking nerd in me!


This gets my vote for the "coolest wine invention yet" contest!!!!

How much to make one for me?????

You prove once again that you are WMT's resident "Macgyver"! Great idea and brilliant execution. But what about those pesky Zin bottles that are fatter at the top and get skinnier towards the bottom? They don's have the same perfect rounded curvature?

Thanks IB, since I used two dowels, the bottles are always centered in the fixture. I found that I shine the laser, I actually shine the beam on the top edge of the label and not the bottle. Once I have the label at the right height and a near perfect right angle, I lower the label down on the bottle, where it adheres in the middle of the bottle, then I pull the label across the bottle.

Here is a short video of it in operation before I finished the wood.
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LOL That sure beats my plastic Miter Box with alignment markings on each side and a 2x4 on the bottom! :br
Thanks for all the comments. I'll roll the cords up and put it away, confident it will do what I need it to do, when I bottle the Rose in Feb.
Which one of the foot switches did you get from Harbor Freight?

Also is the scanner a USB model that was modified to fit the switch or did you purchase one off eBay with a standard (110v) plug?
Foot switch is the Momentary Power Foot Switch Item#96619 and the scanner is a USB model. Be sure it can be programmed for continuous scanning.
So how did you interface USB ---> 110v ?

Bingo! $14 from eBay, another $14 for a foot switch from harbor freight, an extra USB charger from an old iPhone and some leftover wood

I imagine one could just plug the USB charger into the momentary foot switch, no?
The scanner doesn't need logic to operate the laser, just power, so any 110v USB charger would work. Mine is plugged right into the momentary foot switch.