Is the color too light?

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Oct 1, 2012
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I am making a red wine from grapes and i was looking at it... And the color was too light, or isn't it.
Judge for yourself, but tell me, is it too light or just right. I am scared that it will be a rosé wine and not a red one.
And if it is too light what can i do to make it darker??
Is it still fermenting?

If not - I would top that bad boy up a little more.

Give it time - the wine is always lighter in color up front due to suspended sediment..
It is fermenting, but this is my first red wine so i didn't know what was happening.
I looks light. I can offer a question and few comments

Q1. How long did it sit in the skins?

Making wine is and adventure and the grapes dictate a large portion of it. So if the wine doesn't come out as dark as you wanted, don't be to bummed out. It doesn't mean you won't have great wine.

If you are really set on darkening it, there are legitimate colorants that can do the trick for you.

Unlike Jon, I believe the wine will get lighter, not darker. The suspended sediment makes it look darker. Just like when you make Chardonnay and it looks like apple juice after you press. Once the sediment drops the color lightens.

Regardless, don't fret, just keep it topped off, clean of bugs and it will turn out fine.
It's really hard to tell, large volumes of liquids are always deceiving when it comes to the color that will end up in the class. With a lot of suspended particles the liquid looks lighter and when cleared it looks darker in a large container. I'm looking right at the top edge of the picture where I can get the best idea of what it will look like in the glass (least depth of liquid) and my best guess would be that it will be a rose in color.
Thanx all, but I think it will be lighter after all. It doesn't really mater but I hoped that it will be a dark red color. It is fermenting for 5 weeks.


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