I'm sure I'll get the hang of it but...

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Jul 8, 2013
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this is my first attempt at making wine. I seemed to do ok getting the primary fermentation going despite being obsessed about cleanliness and sanitization. Then came time for the first racking into the carboy. At first, things seemed to go ok although I couldn't get the bung to stay in the carboy. It kept wanting to pop out. After calling someone for a hint on how to get it to stay still (drying it off with a paper towel), I put the bung and airlock in and I went upstairs. Returned about 30 minutes later to look at it and there was must everywhere. It filled up the airlock and was all over the table. After calling for help AGAIN, I siphoned off a bottle of must (sanitized the bottle first) and replaced the lock. Seems to be ok now...when the fermentation settles down a bit I'll add the must that I siphoned out back. This is fun, right? :)
Do you have a hydrometer? You need to use it. Your must is too active to be in a carboy, you need to rack it back to a primary.
i agree with julie...if you have a bucket, move it to a bucket, cover with a cloth and secure it.
when it gets to 1.000 on your hydrometer move it to the carboy.
The primary fermentation is probably better off happening in a bucket, unless you're really wanting to find a ladder and clean the ceiling :)

People will rack to a carboy anywhere from 1.020 to entirely dry (below 1.000 & unchanged for 3+ days)... The earlier (higher SG) you rack to a carboy, the more of the sediment at the bottom you'll want to rack with it.

A note about the airlock, for future reference : drying it off works, as you found - but if thats not enough.. When you push it in, give it a slight twist, not far but just a little; 1/8th of a turn maybe.

What kind of wine is it anyway?
The directions said to rack it when the gravity got to 1.04, it was 1.015. It's a mosti Mondiale vinifera Barolo
The directions said to rack it when the gravity got to 1.04, it was 1.015. It's a mosti Mondiale vinifera Barolo

If it came with one, bet you added the nutrient packet after you racked it...
Robie, I did come with one and the instructions told me to add it. Was that a bad thing?
Ahhh, the "volcano effect". I think all winemakers experience this at one time or another.

I remember the first year that I switched to stainless steel tanks. I figured on fermenting in the tank. I knew the moment that the lid blew off by the loud explosive "BOOM". Clean up was real fun after that. Lesson learned!

I agree with all of the others. You either racked to the secondary too soon or did not have enough extra room in your primary.
The directions said to rack it when the gravity got to 1.04, it was 1.015. It's a mosti Mondiale vinifera Barolo

For what it may be worth... My most recent kit is a MM White Zinfandel and I racked according to instructions @ 1.040 from primary bucket into a carboy. Instructions had me mix thoroughly, add yeast nutrient mixture in the bucket and then rack into clean carboy. This was/is a 23L original all juice kit. It did not foam and did not overflow the carboy.
Robie, I did come with one and the instructions told me to add it. Was that a bad thing?

You followed instructions by adding it, so no bad here. This is not even close to the first time this has happened after adding the nutrient. I learned long ago to add the nutrient to the fermenter bucket about 24 hours before I intended to rack to the carboy. Just wondering why Mosti won't change their instructions.
Yeah, this first batch is certainly a learning experience. I like your idea of adding 24 hours before racking...I've also think I've learned to not rack it until it's 1.01 not 1.04 and to leave more headspace in the carboy while it's still actively fermenting. I'm very thankful for all of you and your helpful advice.
For what it may be worth... My most recent kit is a MM White Zinfandel and I racked according to instructions @ 1.040 from primary bucket into a carboy. Instructions had me mix thoroughly, add yeast nutrient mixture in the bucket and then rack into clean carboy. This was/is a 23L original all juice kit. It did not foam and did not overflow the carboy.

There is no predicting when/if even this will happen. However, it happens often enough with Mosti kits that it is not just a coincidence. I would think it might happen more with reds. I think Mosti should take this into consideration, but not so far.