I need a new coffee maker

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Sometime between when I left the house this morning and now, my less than 2 year old Cuisinart coffee maker went belly up. I'll be honest: I like a good cup of coffee, but I don't like paying a ton of $$ for it. My only requirements are 1) It does a decent brew (I don't need ultra high end, but Mr. Coffee probably won't cut it), 2) Thermal Carafe, 3) timer and 4) under $100.

I know, it is a bit of a tall order. Any suggestions? I'd love a Technivorm Moccamaster, but I'll never pay that much for a coffee maker. :h

Oh, and requirement #5: NOT a Cuisinart. ;)
I can highly recommend one of these but I don't think you will find it for anywhere near $100……..

Jim, we have two coffee makers that we use on a regular basis, a 4-cup Melitta and a 12-cup Mr. Coffee. The Melitta is outstanding, keeps the coffee really hot and brews very quickly. We use it for our morning coffee. The Mr. Coffee is a replacement for a Braun and is our company coffee maker. We laid out a pile for the Braun and very little for the Mr. Coffee. The Braun died after less than 2 years and Mr. Coffee is going strong after about 5 years. I have never used their coffee maker but if it is anything like their bread machine, I would consider the Zojirushi. Made in Japan, it is by far the best we have ever had. Here is a link to Amazon for a look see:

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We used a Zojirushi for some time. It is a fine coffee maker and served us well but eventually plastic parts got broken and we had to replace it. When my wife was looking I think she found that the reviews were not all glowing any more. She settled on a frigidaire.


I was just about to post this extolling the virtues of the new coffee pot when a whole pot of freshly roasted Kenyan Kiriyanga flowed over the counter and onto the floor. My review was about to take a nasty turn. But now I realize that this was wholly operator error. I need to train the wife to lock the filter basket down so the flow stop will open, the coffee will drain into the carafe and the coffee won't overflow the filter.

Anyway, I think the Zojirushi is perfectly fine. The Frigidaire is also fine - a little less expensive and it appears there are more controls available for tweaking your coffee.
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I need to train the wife to

so do you have a comfortable dog house?? ;)

I've had a Technivorm MM for 10+ years. It is worth EVERY penny. Brews fast and precise - a great cup of coffee every time.

The only issue as compared to your requirements is it doesn't have a timer.

You'd pay for it in 6 months of cups at your neighborhood shop. (Yes, I AM evil) ::
Well, if you've never made coffee using a Cona vacuum brewer, you just haven't lived.

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I found a YouTube video showing the Cona in action. When you heat the water, the boiling water forces the hot water up to the upper chamber. There is a glass plug that acts like kind of a filter. When you snuff the flame, the vacuum created in the lower chamber sucks the coffee back down through the very thin slit between the glass plug and the glass bowl leaving the grounds behind.

I also have a rather low tech Turkish coffee pot.

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With all of this, you would think I would own a burr grinder. But I do not. Anyone have a good recommendation? I would love to have a Baratza, but they are pricey.
I just have to say, you people are scary serious about your coffee :)
I found a YouTube video showing the Cona in action. When you heat the water, the boiling water forces the hot water up to the upper chamber. There is a glass plug that acts like kind of a filter. When you snuff the flame, the vacuum created in the lower chamber sucks the coffee back down through the very thin slit between the glass plug and the glass bowl leaving the grounds behind.


Oh man! Waiting this long for my first cup of the day, I can't be held responsible for my actions. Give me my Keurig or my Aeropress and nobody gets hurt.
I just have to say, you people are scary serious about your coffee :)

No doubt. I'm quite satisfied with my 12 cup presto percolater. I also had a cuisinart drip coffee maker quit on me after 2 years.