I haved a huge problem

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May 28, 2015
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I purchased the 6 gallon Winexpert Moscato kit. I put in 10 pints of strawberries and 4 pints of kiwi. Everything went great and I bottled it...I hosted Thanksgiving and people loved it so much they drank 8 bottles!


Now I have everyone begging me to make more.
Yes that is a problem !!

Especially if they expect it under the tree in the next couple of weeks - LOL
Not a problem, just an excuse to make MORE! You might want to do a double batch for gifting next year:db
Now I'm conflicted. I have the same kit waiting to be started. I was thinking about adding some raisins but the strawberries & kiwi sounds really good. Did you peel the skin off of the kiwi?