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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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It is Hot Sauce making time again! I took the day off to get some of the work done since to do it all in one day is too much. Appleman was so kind to hook me up with 1/2 bushel of beautiful hot peppers and with the Habanero peppers I grew this year's batches should be awesome.
Here is a shot of all the peppers after thawing slowly over the past few days in a cooler. After cutting off all the stems and removing any bad ones they all are run through a food processor and put into pots for cooking.

The three large bags are the ones from Appleman which include: Jalapeño, Hot Cherry Peppers, Garden Salsa, and Kung Pao. Two bags contain 15 lbs of sweet red peppers that were roasted, peeled and frozen. The remainder are Habaneros and I will cook them separately.

The blue box at the top contains gloves which are a necessity when working with hot peppers!

A word of caution Masta. Last year when I made the nuclear apple pepper wine I put the slurry from the blender into a strainer bag. On the second day in the wine i went to squeeze the bag with the rubber gloves and my hands started burning. The hot peppers had melted through the gloves and made hole in them. My hands burned for two days after. I just kind of sloshed the bag up and down after that until I removed it from the wine. You sure should have a bundh of hot stuff when you get done!
These gloves are heavyweight nitrile and can stand up to solvents and should provide plenty of protection.

Yes they are all going in sauce and it should make at least 5 1/2 gallons. We did 5 1/4 gallons last year and I have enough bottles for 6 1/4 to be sure.

Time to go wash and rinse the 80 10oz bottles so they will be ready to sterilize in a boiling water batch tomorrow.
It's nice to have found a place where people enjoy "making" a variety of things. Thank you Joan for introducing me to this site. I also enjoy making sauces of all types and hopefully will one day be half way decent at making wine.
You will see that folks here make all kinds of things and it is the same passion, focus, and willingness to try that make them the best wine makers!
Please share some of your sauces since we love to not only drink good wine but eat great food!
Man,my lips are burning just looking at those things.I have grown peppers for years and almost always make salsa and hot wing bbq sauce,and can it.I didnt this year because I still had quite a bit left from last year.Has anybody grown thai hot peppers?There my favorite but I only use habaneros for the wing sauce.
What..No Bhut Jolokia??
I'd say you really have this down, reminds me of roasting the green chilli's this time of year back home.
I normaly plant thai red dragons but didn't this year due to another heart attack at planting time. Hopefully next year.
corn field said:
I normaly plant thai red dragons but didn't this year due to another heart attack at planting time. Hopefully next year.

WOW!!! That would really change a persons plans...Hope you are fully recovered.

No garden is ever as good as next years...
I am doing well. Still kicking but not as high as before. I will not let heart problems stop me from enjoying life. My 13 year old grand son helps me with the wine he will make his first wine this winter. His choice was a grapefruit juice wine.

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