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Gotta have them notes. I have noticed though that even if I copy the recipe how I think is exact, it is never the same twice. Not in a bad way, but just always different.
Notes, however they are written, are important...especially when a "senior moment " steps in.....sorta like a dream, you remember having one about....but the little importantthings are not quite as clear the next day.
Yep. I do that all the time. I am not old, though. I forget people's name's alot.I used to be really good remembering phone numbers, but that left also.
Ah....the term is just for seniors to use as an excusable reason for not remembering. Now forgetting is something else, not easily forgiven by many.......
I never forget a face, just can't always put a name to it when I see it again. It is sometimes embarrassing.
I am the same way..yet some people have the knack of getting their name squeezed out of them without feeling embarrassed. I usually just say, "Heh guy, how's it great hopes that he doesn't ask whether or not I remember his name. I think that the world should require name beats calling them something else.
Wouldn't that be a hoot. I would probably have to be cute and put on a different name every day.
Country Wine said:
Gotta have them notes. I have noticed though that even if I copy the recipe how I think is exact, it is never the same twice. Not in a bad way, but just always different.

The sad thing is, though, even when I do use my notes, the wines are not the same.
I have noticed taste changes in commercial wines of one in particular thatI buy weekly. Notes are like recipe instructions, even for cooking really matters on many other conditions as well.
Yes, many other conditions. Temp, time, moon phase, atmospheric conditions, which direction you stir, yeast, nutrient, abv, water, wow, it could go on and on nearly infinite.

You have them also Joe. Look to the left beside the box you type in where it says more...

Got it? Just click on one after or during typing your post.

Oh yes! Joe, please read all of the instructions first! say it again..all the instructions first!
hehehe That's funny Joe. My son, 15 next month, buys playstation games and other goodies that require a person to thoroughly read the instructions and do things step by step. He don't, then gets frustrated.
Hahaha, your son sounds like me. I don't read instructions either, except when "there's no way out!"