Holiday Themed wines

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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
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Instead of building on an already very long post in another section of this forum, I thought I would post this here. Feel free to move it if it is not appropriate.

I have started to think about making holiday-themed wines. You know, Christmas wine, Easter wine, Halloween wine. Thanksgiving wine. And whatever else in between.

I would like to start a christmas wine soon, but am not sure what would be appropriate. What do you all suggest? I would like to make a country wine, not a kit - hence the post in the "Fruit Wines" part of this forum.

Thanks all for your help!
I would suggest a sweet plum or cranberry wine for Christmas. Both work very well with turkey and most peolple seem to like a sweet wine for the holidays.
That is wonderful! I have 5 gallons of plum waiting in the carboy already! I think that I might just sweeten it up a little and bottle it for christmas.

Now, what about for Easter? Any sugesstions?!!?
Easter is a tough one. Not really one food that dominates. I guess, I would be inclined to go with the spring concept with a nice light white wine. In my house, spring and summer are Pinot Grigio time. Very nice to drink while sitting outside at night.
Martina, you being a winemaker of exotic herbs and such, I picture you making a light white wine with aromas and flavor of the once a year, "Christmas Delight" (a semi-sweet "candy-cane"!)
I did make a chocolate mint wine (unfortuantely only one gallon. This year it will be different). It turned out really nice. I liked it a lot, and other people seem to have too. That might be another Christmastime one.

I wonder how the sage will turn out, but I have a feeling it would be like my basil, and the herb-flavor/smell will have been quite strong.

I did like the tomato wine, though. So you all think a white would be better for Easter?
Hmmm... Gonna have to think about that one for next year. I really liked how the tomato wine turned out, so, depending on the crop this summer, I might just do it.
Maybe a mulled spice wine for Christmas, apple base. Sometimes ya gotta go with your roots...
Well, I've been making apple wine with various results. I only use apple concentrate, (always the same kind) and with various results. The one time I added spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger), it started to erupt like Mt. St. Helen's.

But I like that idea too.
I have 1-gallon of apple wine aging. Last week I added a "cinnamon stick" to it just because...How will that come out Martina, should I just leave it in until bottling time? I might bottle that in a couple of months or so.
Test it often, Joe. It might be a lot for just one gallon. I put 2 for 5 gallons and it seemed okay. Taste as you go would be my advice.

When you feel it's cinnamony enough, take it out.
...and very good advice that is, as if Joe needs an excuse to taste test...
I didn't on my exploding apple wine. Trust me when I give advice. I only do it if I know what I'm talking about.
Come to think of it Martina you are very right. Those sticks are potent. I now have an excuse to "taste" right back, well maybe abit later.
I'm back...that was refreshing..I removed the stick of cinnamon, the stick was also good. One week seemed enough for me. It all kinda reminds me of eating an "apple donut!" The aroma was nice, I'm sure it will improve more by the time I bottle.
One evening I did 11 tests on different wines, and by the time I reached my house...Oh well need I explain further?