RJ Spagnols Hightail limited editions - Canada only?

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Senior Member
Nov 5, 2006
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I think that these kits are available in Canada only, but I'm not certain. Dealers can order them this week. I ordered the California Syrah, and hope to have it tomorrow. The other varieties are Okanagan Chardonnay, Niagara Gewurztraminer, Washington Pinot Gris, California Cabernet Sauvignon, and California Merlot.

Last year, I made the Washingtoin Merlot. Had the first bottle a week or so ago. Loved it.

These are En Primeur level kits (at least they were last year) without grape skins. They are rushed (hightail'd) from harvest to kit to market, so these are limited edition 2009 harvest kits.

I would like to make the Niagara Gewurztraminer, but have too much white wine in the house.

I think that these kits are available in Canada only, but I'm not certain. Dealers can order them this week. I ordered the California Syrah, and hope to have it tomorrow. The other varieties are Okanagan Chardonnay, Niagara Gewurztraminer, Washington Pinot Gris, California Cabernet Sauvignon, and California Merlot.

Last year, I made the Washingtoin Merlot. Had the first bottle a week or so ago. Loved it.

These are En Primeur level kits (at least they were last year) without grape skins. They are rushed (hightail'd) from harvest to kit to market, so these are limited edition 2009 harvest kits.

I would like to make the Niagara Gewurztraminer, but have too much white wine in the house.


I have placed my order for HighTail Niagara Gewurztraminer yesterday.
Should be here by the end of the month. If you have problem with wine - I'll pay shipping :p

Winexpert Limited Edition 2010:
Trio Blanca, African Shiraz, Australian Petit Verdo, Italian Brunello, Italian Super Tuscan with grape pack
RJ Spagnols:Chocolate Port
In progress:Packlab 23L Kits(Costco):
New Zeland Cabernet Sauvignon, Argentina Malbec
Kenridge FS:Italian Brunello, French GSM, New Zeland Cabernet Sauvignon
RJ Spagnols:Winery Series Cabernet Sauvignon with Skins (still in the box)
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Why are these Canada only? That just makes me want them more! Are they really good quality? I might be tempted to drive over the border if they are amazing, just to say I did.
Why are these Canada only? That just makes me want them more! Are they really good quality? I might be tempted to drive over the border if they are amazing, just to say I did.

I'm sipping a 1 year old ( well almost) Californian Hightail Merlot right now and although it would do well with a bit more age its absolutlely FANTASTIC right now!!

They are very fresh and dont get shipped like all other kits to keep them fresh. I too would love to rty one of these just to see the difference but I guess Ill just have to take your word on these.

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