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Feb 14, 2022
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New Jersey
Just joined, am a new home wine maker and currently making my third batch. This hobby is a lot of fun and a lot to learn!
Pork Roll here…lol.
My first batch came out ok….just the kit I had was listed as heavy body, but final product was very, very light bodied. Followed directions to the letter. Since then have done another and bottled it today and it tastes fantastic at only 6 months. Been learning a lot and really enjoyi the ride!
Just bottled a 6 gallon batch of carminere. Added some vanilla and a bit of back sweetener. At 6 months it is really delicious. Super dark and very full bodied. The kit was from Midwest and was the En Premier which included the grape skins. I also added to oak spirals of American medium toasted.
Just bottled a 6 gallon batch of carminere. Added some vanilla and a bit of back sweetener. At 6 months it is really delicious. Super dark and very full bodied. The kit was from Midwest and was the En Premier which included the grape skins. I also added to oak spirals of American medium toasted.
You peaked my curiosity. I make Carminere fermented to dry and not back sweetened. Makes a very good wine in my opinion so I have no reason to change but can you explain the benefit of adding vanilla and how much you add?
The Mrs. likes the slight taste of the vanilla in wines. I added 1 oz of extract along with 10 ounces of wine conditioner about 2 weeks prior to bottling