Hi from New Jersey

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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I am a avid homebrewer and Winemaker. I been making wine for well over 10 years. I make wine from Kits, Fruit, Juice, and anything that ferments.
Currently I have 20 6-gallon carboys fermenting. In the wings I have 60 gallons of Chilean juice coming soon. I hope to add some of my knowledge to this forum.
I am also involved with my wine club in South Jersey.
(aka tepe)

Wade, it is me tepe ...
Welcome Tom, glad you could join in here. This is a great forum with lots of friendly people either willing to help or needing help and you will be a great asset!
I hope to help in any form of winemaking even homebrewing.
just a FYI.
I make my MAX that is 200 gallons a year. So yes I do not have a winemaking hobby RATHER, it's an obsession ! :)
Hi Tom, welcome from me too! I hail from New Zealand and am just a beginner in this obsessive hobby!
Look forward to any help you can give me!

Hey Tepe, welcome aboard. Glad to see ya here. I know you will be an asset!
Tom (And others)

Welcome, and Please update the Location field in the Control Panel (User CP). Sometimes you will ask a question that knowing your location helps us to answer. And I (for one) won't remember what you said in your intro a month or year earlier.


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