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Sep 16, 2008
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I briefly jumped into a forum earlier this week and was asked to start a new thread to introduce myself.

I live in NW Iowa and have been making wine for about 3 years. I just started a Chocolate Raspberry (my 40th batch)this evening after reading some of the posts on Chocolate fruit wines. All but 2 batches have been fruit wines made from fruit or frozen juice concentrates. Last year I broke down and purchased a kit for White Zin and this year a kit for Piesporter.

I'm in the process of remodeling my house and when everything is done I'll be having my friends in to taste an assortment of wines and view the changes made to my house. The wines we'll be tasting include: Cherry-Apple, Peach, Raspberry, Cranberry, Grapefruit, Rhubarb, Strawberry, Lilac. I will soon be bottling a Pomegrantie/Blueberry and Spiced Pumpkin. Others in various stages of fermenting inlcude Lemon/Raspberry, Pineapple/Apple, Dandelion, Apple, Plum and additional batches of some of my favorites.

I initially tried making "organic" wines as suggested by an older gentleman I received my first rhubarb recipe from, butI decided not to continue with thatafter throwing away several batches that spoiled or turned to vinegar. It's certainly been a learning experience, but one I really enjoy.

I also enjoy simple photography and design my own labels using pictures I've taken or pictures from the Internet. I used pictures of Piesport, Germany on my Piesporter label and included a description of the wine on the label (flavored with Elderflowers). I use a very simple layout in Microsoft Word, print on plain paperand apply the labels using milk as recommended in another forum I read about a year ago.
I look forward to continued guidance from others using the forum over the next few months.
Welcome to the Forum. You have quite a bit of fermentations going on there. Nice to meet you
. We will look forward to your experience and who you are and what you like to do. Feel free to post pictures and any questions you may have. We are here to compare notes with each other.

Welcome.....RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Welcome !!
Photography ?? We need pictures!! We love pictures!!! If you find the time show us some pictures of your remodel and your wine.

That sounds like quite a variety.

40 batches in 36 months , Wow, That is just about all one fermenter can do in that time.
Welcome eclectic; I am also living in Iowa south central. I also make mostlyfruit wines sounds like you have been busy
Welcome Electic! Love the name, by the way! You've got quite a bit of wine making experience.
Every once in a while the topic of organic wines comes up and I think your testimony on the subject will serve well. And yes, we love pictures!
Welcome to the forum! I noticed you made a spiced pumpkin - is this part of your finished wine collection? Did you like the recipe you used? If you do like it would you mind sharing it with me? I am looking to make a batch.

I am just ready to bottle the pumpkin. The flavor is fairly light, but the spices give a great aroma. Since this was an early wine that I had some problems with, below is the recipe I would use in the future. I didn't us pectic enzyme in my first recipe and had to use Sparkoloid to get it to clear. This wine was started 2 years ago. (I like to bulk age in gallon jugs)

One gallon recipe
5 lbs grated pumpkin (about 8 lbs whole)

1 tablespoon Pumpkin Pie Spice
5 cups sugar

7 pints water

2 tablespoons acid blend
1 teaspoon pectic enzyme

1 teaspoon yeast nutrient

Champagne yeast

Place grated pumpkin flesh in primary. Bring water to boil and stir in the sugar until dissolved. Remove from heat and pour over pumpkin. Cool to room temperature. Add acid blend, pectic enzyme, yeast nutrient. Cover with towel and set aside for 12 hours. Sprinkle yeast on top and cover. Stir daily for5 days. Strain into secondaryand let pumpkin drip drain. Add bung and airlock. Rack after 1 month. Continue to rack every 2 - 3 months until clear. Stabilize and sweeten if desired. Bottle.