Help me make my first wine

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Dec 26, 2008
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I'm about to buy a wine equipment kit, as well as a couple of wine kits. I'd love to hear your suggestions for both the equipment as well as the wine.

I'm looking to buy online, so links would be helpful.

As far as the wine goes, I'm really excited about this so for my first I would like something I could drink fairly soon. The second might be a longer maturing wine.

I am partial to Reds. Thanks in advance.
This place here is the best place to buy and youll get 10% off your first purchase. Just click on the Fine Vine Wine emblem at the top right of this page and then click on online catalog and do some searching for anything you want or even better give George a call and he;ll design an equipment kit around your needs and budget. Personally, I would not go without a floor corker, drill mounted stirrer, and autosiphon. You can do without these but you will eventually want them and will have kicked yourself for not buying them earlier and saving much money by doing so. These make fairly early drinkers and give a better product for the money then other smaller kits.

Vinifera Noble
Welcome augryphon.....I would go along with Wades advice and add, for how many wines you have going have one extra carboy for racking [makes life so much easier]....Good luck and enjoy..
As Wade said, George is very helpful. He will get you well on your way. And all of these guys on here will help out with the rest! You will just have to spend hours reading as I have! Good Luck!
Welcome Augryphon,
I spent many days looking for the best price and product. You can find a few lower quality itemscheeper on the other sites but you could end up buying junk. I think that George makes more wine than 99.9% of us using the same tools that he sells.

This is just a thought, My Mom just started in the hobby. What we did is buy everything that she needs to start a wine then months latter bought what we needed to finish and bottle.
Welcome to the forum! George is always more than willing to help you with whatever you need. (George is the owner of Fine Vine Wines) He's excited about living his dream and it really shows in his customer service.
He welcomes your calls.
Welcome Augryphon,

You'll get good advice from this Forum, and great service from FineVineWines Winemakers Toy Store. Welcome to our hobby and hope you stick around and share your experiences with us!

Mrs. Pelican
Welcome to the forum!

As a beginner myself, I can honestly say that George ( has been great to deal with. I ordered an equipement kit and a wine kit form here, and got it fermenting yesterday.

The service was exceptional. The wine I was looking for was not available, so George called, emailed and called again to make sure he proceeeded the best way for me. Once shipped, everything arrived safe and soundasit was well packed. (If you read this and other forums, that is not always the case with other suppliers). The videos are a HUGE help to understanding and planning out what has to be done. I had a question during the process and a quick call to the Fine Vine Wines store got an immeadiate answer - without sounding condesending even though it was simple.

As an extra bonus, you will find loads of help and advice from these fine, friendly, and funny folks here on this forum.

Best of luck!
Welcome to the forum Augryphon,
I must say your topic is catchy.

Hope you enjoy the hobby andshare your experience on the forum as we are all here to learn.
BTW George attempts to be the best customer service person you have ever worked with. You can be sure of that.
Okay, I have jumped in with both feet. I ordered a beginners starter kit and an extra carboy. I also ordered a Vinifera Noble Chianti to have ready in the summer and a Mosti Mondiale Cabernet Sauvignon - Old Vines to have ready in a year or so. Oh Lord, give me patience!
aug, great selections!!!!!We ALL need a little help in the "patience" department!!!
Welcome! I am a newbie too, adn I have bee super satisfied with FVW and all of the advice here.

The patience thing is a toughy!
Thanks for all of the kind words. You really don't know how much they mean to me and encourage me to do more. As polish pointed out, I am living my dream and I want everyone to have as much fun in this hobby as I do. I want every customer to have an experience they will always remember.

Thanks, again.

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