If you have access to Winexpert kits then here you go and these #'s are on the sticker where the type of kit is labeled on front of the box.
They break down like this: 00/195/07 0267
00 The first two digits are for internal use: ignore.
195 The next three digits indicate the day it was produced, in this case the 195th day of the year, which is July 14.
07 The next two digits are the last two digits of the year, in this case 2007.
0267 The last four digits show which particular kit of that batch this kit is: in this case, the 267th kit out of about 600.
If you have access to RJ Spagnols kits the # is pretty much in the same location and here is the breakdown -
There's no secret to RJS date codes. They are not as cryptic as WE date codes, as RJS just uses the proper date. For example if your kit was make on November 12, 2007, the code would be 11122007D. It goes MMDDYYYY followed by a D always. Winexpert codes count the number of days in the year starting from Jan 1 being number 1 and Dec 31st being 365 or 366 depending on the year.
The date code on RJS kits is usually on the copy of the label on the outside of the main box. Ususally in a circle of color on the black box for EPs.
Cellar Craft
Cellar Craft has recently returned to stamping the date on the side of the 16 & 18 liter kits. On the 7.5L kits the date code is on a sticker on the front of the kit.
For example a kit that has the following number of D27512SA. The first letter refers to the month, in this case D refers to April (A=Jan, B = Feb, C= March etc). The 27 is the date of the month. The next number is the year. So this kit was made on April 27, 2005. The numbers after the year are internal codes used by the manufacturer.
Mosti Mondiale goes like this,
First digit is the year, second two digits are the month and the last two digits are the day. For example a date of 80212 is February 12, 2008.
This is all I have to date.