grape skins

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Oct 7, 2006
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I just purchased 5 gallons of syrah juice I've heard that adding skins to the juice will make a better wine. I have a press but I can only find concorde grape in my area my question is can I use concorde skins or will it overpower the syrah?
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Adding grape skins can improve a wine made from juice or a kit. Contact with the skins during fermentation will add tannin, color and flavor to the wine. Although I have never used Concord grape skins, I would imagine that they will impart some of their strong “foxy” flavor to the wine. Because of this, adding Concord grape skins to the Syrah juice may not result in a better wine. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I agree that adding Concord would negatively impact the Syrah. I would add raisins or bananas, as discussed elsewhere, or use pomace from pressing vinifera grapes. The Concord would overpower the Syrah flavor profile. Edited by: dfwwino