WineXpert Going For A New Port

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With a nose of toasted oak, vanilla, black currants and blackberries I decided to go ahead and bottle my Port today. I am well pleased with the outcome of this one.



My only problem with this batch was with my bottles. During the cleaning process ( oxyclean, a lot of them developed discoloring on the glass. It is a bluish green discoloration. Has anyone else experiened this?

Anyway, I took a smoke break after I got them corked and "Mittens" decided to pay me visit or saw I had my camera and wanted her piture taken


If you can see them, she has 5 toes on her front paws..hence, the reason for the name, "Mittens"

I also racked my Peach for the last time and its next trip out of the carboy will be into bottles
. The gallon jug next to is some of my Pear wine.
Atta Boy Waldo!!!

Looks good. Keep us posted on that peach wine. I just bought a bunch of peaches today to start my very first peach wine. To be honest... I have never even tasted a peach wine. But I am excited. I got some good help with the recipe!!! (thanks Tepe)
Waldo said:
My only problem with this batch was with my bottles. During the cleaning process ( oxyclean, a lot of them developed discoloring on the glass. It is a bluish green discoloration. Has anyone else experiened this?

We ran into this as well, mainly on beer bottles. My husband did a little searching and found folks using CLR. He tried it and it worked like a charm, all the bottles looked like new again.

That port sure sounds tasty. I wish hubby liked them more so I could make more. Oh well, I'll just keep playing and maybe I'll stumble onto something he enjoys and if not I'll have some well aged wines!

If this turned out like to port you sent me - wow!!!

I did order the choc raspberry port from Geo -

and might try the ocp recipe you posted too.

thanx again

It's not a Muscadine rrawhide but every bit as good in its on right
I saw a five-toed kitten once. It actually grabbed a cheezit out of my hand with one of its "hands" (the "thumb" help it really get a good grip). Before I could even react, it ran out of the room on three legs, holding the prized cheezit up in the air with its fourth. If I hadn't seen it (and lost a cheezit when i was really hungry for cheezits) I would not have believed it. Spooky.