Gaudet/Waldos Muscadine Port

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Took a sg on the port today, those yeasties are some hungry critters. Its hard to read and I didn't take a sample, just guestimated the hydrometer position as somewhere between 1.060 and 1.055

You get started yet? Did you get your fedex package? I don't want to finish this before you even get started.
They reshipped and will have it friday so i will get mine going saturday
Fairly confident in this reading tonight 1.024

I figure the yeast is petering out and I probably should put this puppy under glass.

Ok I'm gonna do it as I anticipate the yeast dying out in 0.010
Waldo said:
They reshipped and will have it friday so i will get mine going saturday

Great news.

First racking of the port. Its breathing at a rate of 10 bpm. Seems to be a happy fledgling port.

Finally got my Wyeast today. I had to go to the Post office and retrieve it as it did not make it again by Friday as it was supposed to have and if it had set in the Post Office all weekend it would have been no good by Monday as they have to ship it with an ice pack which is only good for 3 days. any way, I have it and got my Muscadine port started today.

I had 8 bags of Muscadines which was a total of 46 lbs.........


Got the ole steamer/juicer loaded up and fired up and before long she was extracting Muscadine juice. I had dissolved 6 campden tabs and added to my primary and just let the steamed juice run straight into it.



My final yield for the 46 lbs was just over 4 gallon of juice........


I gathered up the rest of ( as NW says) cast of characters. made a couple of deviations from my planned recipe. I did not use any raisins or bentonite as originally planned


My next step was preparing my bananas and Elderberrris. I put them in a pot with 4 cups water with 4 cups sugar added. I boiled the mixture for about 2 minutes and then let it simmer for another 20 minutes.


I strained this through a strainer bag into the Primary fermenter and stirred well.


The elderberries sure added a lot of deep rich color to the must and smelled pretty damned good too.

Ok, now for those not familiar with the steaming process, here is what was left of my 46 lbs of Muscadines


I added my Grape concentrate, Yeast nutrient, energizer and tannin. Checked the SG and I am at 1.114 with a must temp of 96 degrees. Will let it set until in the morning at which time I will add my pectic enzyme and hopefully pitch the yeast tomorrow evening
I think NW says "Usual Suspects" Waldo, that just looks delish. Reserve a bottle of that for me there buddy and Ill trade you what ever you want, especially my youngest child!
Nice going Waldo,

You will be caught up to me in no time......
wade said:
I think NW says "Usual Suspects" Waldo, that just looks delish. Reserve a bottle of that for me there buddy and Ill trade you what ever you want, especially my youngest child!

You go it wade !! Have your name on the 2nd bottle. gaudet gets the first.

With a must temp of 78 degrees the SG this morning was 1.120. Will be pitching the yeast here in about another 3-4 hours
Yeast pitched at 9:15 am at a must temp of 76 degrees and an SG of 1.120
Hey buddy, Ill take the 3rd and let you take the 2nd, age before beauty you know!
"Age before beauty" !!! Thats a heckuva statement coming from someone who was so ugly that your Mother used to borrow another baby to take to church with her
Just FYI my port is still bubbling away. I don't know if I used the elderberries correctly. I just added them to the must. They stayed in solution for 6 days. When I stirred the primary, I would make extra efforts to crush the berries that I could find floating on top and make sure to stir them down into the must to keep them wet.
If you froze them first and then smashed them before putting them in then thats all you can ask for along with punching the cap at least once a day.
wade said:
If you froze them first and then smashed them before putting them in then thats all you can ask for along with punching the cap at least once a day.

They were dried. I rehydrated them in the must, and crushed them when I would stir it daily. Sometimes more. It just didn't look like I got the color extraction you got Waldo.