Foil caps comming apart

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Dec 30, 2012
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Ok, why are my foil caps coming apart from the top disk? I used a heat gun and everything looks great except for the disk at the top which has come loose. Are these just cheap foil caps?
A heat gun is normally used to shrink on a plastic cap. Foils are ususally fitted by a divice with an inner red large diameter rubber ring that compresses the foil onto the bottle as the device is rolled on and off the bottle top / neck. Hope this helps,

Cheers, Tony.

Boatboy24 said:
Your corks aren't pushing out, are they? Can you post a pic?

Definitely not the corks pushing out, this happened as soon as the foil started to shrink. It was like the foil shrunk (not sure if that's a word) and the little disks did not.

It's not the corks. I use a heat horizontal heat tunnel to apply the capsules and almost every one of them do it. I think it's a combination of the brand of capsules and maybe too much heat. You might want to try a different meathod like boiling water.
I have the same problem sometimes. make sure you have the cap all the way on and use something to hold it down or it will slide up like that. Also, use less heat by either tuning the heat gun down or holding it further away. my early batches all looked like that! You will get the hang of it.
Looks like heat damage to me. Use the heat gun on low and keep the bottle rotating all the time so the heat doesn't stay directed in one place for too long a time period.
ibglowin said:
Looks like heat damage to me. Use the heat gun on low and keep the bottle rotating all the time so the heat doesn't stay directed in one place for too long a time period.

Yup. That would be my guess. I would try the boiling water. Bring the water to where you start seeing a lot of bubbles. Then turn heat down to about 6-7 the hold bottle in for about 4-5 secs
winemaker_3352 said:
Yup. That would be my guess. I would try the boiling water. Bring the water to where you start seeing a lot of bubbles. Then turn heat down to about 6-7 the hold bottle in for about 4-5 secs

Thanks guys, I used some left over ones and tried to put them on a few different ways. I have just decided that they are bad or cheap caps. The foil disks on top are a different material than the shrink material on the neck so the shrink material shrinks, but the foil stays the same size. These came with my kit, so I am sure they are not premium caps. I only wanted to use them because the writing on the cork is right side up one way and upside down on the other side. It was driving me nuts. #ocd
Are they from a Vino Itailiano kit? That is what happened with mine on that brand, they are just cheap.
Looking at the pick of the end result I can say I have had the same outcome. I sorted it out by pressing the caps down onto the bottle top as hard as I could before applying heat.

Cheers, :hug Tony.
I use the boiling water method. What works best for me is leaving it inverted in the boiling water for 1-2 seconds. When I leave it in 3-5 seconds I notice my foil tops of my capsules pull up just like yours are doing with the dryer method. That tells me I am leaving it in the water too long. It appears you may be overheating your capsules.

I hold my capsule on with the end of a wooden spoon as the bottle is inverted into the water. It seems to make a smoother seal if I place only the upper half (top of the bottle) it in very quickly and then proceed for another second with the lower half of the capsule. A quick twist of the wrist is involved FWIW.

It's amazing how we all have our techniques that work for us. As always, YMMV!

Yes, its to much heat but applying pressure on the top to hold that disc down until cool should fix that problem. Whats happening is that there is a glue that holds that top foil onto the PVC shrink part and when heated too much while the PVC is shrinking you loosing too much contact between the two materials hence the separation. If held down until that glue cools off you should be alright.