First Two Batches, Please Look

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Apr 16, 2007
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These are the first two 'real' batches that I have attempted. I started with a plastic jug,baking yeast and a balloon.That batchwas drinkable, but just barely.

This is my new and improved batches.
I did a second racking today and am very please. Also, even at this early stage the taste has exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds!

The one on the left is an Apple from Organic juice and I used the recipe from this site. The other is a
Welch's White, recipe also from this site.

I want to thank everyone for all the help!!!
Looks very good Barney, you should be proud.

I have never tried the 100%welch's grape juice winbe yet, I have used it to backsweeten and add body in small batches. I wonder how it would taste with a little age on it.... I wonder how it would taste if you added fruit Juice, like fresh squeezed strawberry juice as a flavoring? Blueberry juice? HMmmm....... Might have to experiment......
Barney your wine looks very tastey& Welcome to the forum
Glad to have you here, Barney. Glad the fact that your very first batch was barely drinkable didn't turn you away from trying again!