First F-Pack

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Jul 14, 2011
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Well. I tried my hand at my first fpack last night. I used 3/4 gal of watermelon juice with pulp and reduced it down. Unfortunatley, I took it a little too far and it caramelized slightly. I got a little caught up in racking another batch and forgot about it for too long. It still taste wonderful but I don't think I want the caramel taste in my wine so I'll bust open a fresh melon tonight and try again. I'll save the syrup from last nights venture for waffles and such. Oh well, as they say you live and you learn but I really do like this process over buying additives from the store. At least I know it's fresh.
I tried my hand at an f-pak with my blackberry wine and it turned out great. Last year I used a flavoring concentrate from a local supply shop and the wine came out with a very artificial flavor to it. It will be f-paks from here on out for me.
Joe, the rocket fuel ended up at ~ 16%. It was a mix of different fruits that I had lying around in the freezer...strawberries, plums, blueberries, peaches, grapes, and grape/raspberry concentrate and probably something else that I have forgotten to list. It was extremely potent for us at first but it has been bottled for a few months and has mellowed pretty good now. We typically like our wines in the 9-12% range and semi-sweet but my 25 bottles has dwindled to 6 so the wife has grown used to it and apparently likes it pretty good.
Mcamnl, I know what you mean about the artificial flavorings at the brew shop. They just don't taste quite right and I've vowed not to use them any more. Fpacks for me from now on.
Quick question though...can I make the fpacks ahead of time and freeze them until needed? I thought about putting it in quart sized freezer bags after it cools.
Sure U can make ahead and freeze.
Good luck.

you do what you have to do, do to your geographical location ,time of the year,think outside the box,,be creative and yes you can ,but I prefer fresh and in season,most of my counterparts say freezing is better I not to sure,when fruit is ready for the harvest that when wine makers make wine,but like I stated thats just my opinion.....:try
Well, the second attempt went better than than the first. I grabbed 4 more medium sized melons and got enough juice for 1 1/4 gallons. Took 1 gallon and simmered it down slowly to just over a quart. It retained its color and taste heavenly. Put the pot in an ice bath to cool it since it was getting late and tucked it in the fridge overnight. I will add this this afternoon when I get home.