First batch

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Apr 21, 2011
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Ok so first batch (RJS GCI Oz Cab Sauv) has been bubbling away for 3 days now. At first it had a big head of foam on it, but that seems to have disappeared and now its just fizzing. looks and smells good.
SG is now 1.035 down from 1.1
Taste: fizzy! can taste alcohol, still sweet. tastes good, half way between wine and juice.
Thinking of putting the lid on the primary properly now but i guess it doesn't matter too much.
All fun and games..
It's still pretty active at this point. If you're going to ferment to dry in the Primary, I'd wait til the SG gets down to 1.010 to 1.015 to snap the lid down tight and airlock it. It still needs plenty of oxygen at this time.
Congrats on getting into a fine hobby. Soon to be an obsession.

yep DITTO here
why not just lock the lid down right away? I have always done that and put my air lock on from the begging ?
In the begining the yeast needs O2 just like you need food to multiply faster
I also enjoy that period where it isn't juice and not quite wine yet... yummy!!

so its best to just place a towel over it for the first couple days is what your saying ?
If you have kids or pets that will interfere... best to lay the top on loosely to protect it.
