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Thanks for the response Matt but it seems a bit of a stretch that the manufacturer feels it is necessary to stamp the date of the bag. Who cares how old the bag is.
@wineview You are very welcome for the response. However, it is not a stretch and is in fact the case. In order to keep the costs of their kits down, the FWK staff buys these special bags by the pallet. It takes 4-6 months for them to come in from the manufacturer. We were down to our last 50 of them when the pallet came in on April 18th, 2024. Thought that we were going to run out of them.

Any person in this forum that has a FWK in storage waiting to be made can verify that they have the same bag as you dated 5/10/22 or if they got them after we ran out, the date would be 4/11/24. I have attached pictures of new unfilled bags for your reference with the new date stamp on them. And to verify, all of the Fresh Concentrate that we have on hand is in fact from the 2023 harvest. We had a clearance sale in the Fall before we brought in this year's harvest.

Furthermore, @Gilmango is 100% correct. The FWK Staff was not able to secure any Sangiovese Concentrate in 2022. It was not until a lot of work and perseverance that they were able to get a Full Truckload of it delivered in November 2023. I was ecstatic when they did since I'm an old Italian Winemaker and love Sangiovese for my blends.

I hope that this clears things up. Please feel free to call me directly on my cell at 330-618-9063 if you would like to discuss this further or if you have any questions whatsoever. I enjoy talking wine.

Take care,

Matt Pruszynski
Label Peelers



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@Matt_Pruszynski any plans of making your kits available in europe?
The founder of FWK has moved back to Italy and is working on trying to import juices from there as well as other countries to our facility in Ohio. If and when he is successful, there is much more likely the possibility that they will make them available on Europe and open up a branch there. However, right now it is not feasible due to the perishable nature of the Fresh Concentrate as well as the shipping costs.

Have a great day!

Matt Pruszynski
The founder of FWK has moved back to Italy and is working on trying to import juices from there as well as other countries to our facility in Ohio. If and when he is successful, there is much more likely the possibility that they will make them available on Europe and open up a branch there. However, right now it is not feasible due to the perishable nature of the Fresh Concentrate as well as the shipping costs.

Have a great day!

Matt Pruszynski
Thank you for your reply I appreciate it!