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Angell Wine

Senior Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Due to my schedule the next several months, everything will be bulk aging. No time to bottle anything. I just stabilized a Island Mist Peach Apricot Chardonnay but have not put the F - pack in. Would you bulk age just the Chardonnay or add the f-pack then bulk age?
I believe you have to put the F-pack in or you are going to have to
stabilize again if you put the F-pack in because of the sugar in it.
Once put in it will most likely referment. But I would wait for someone
a little more knowledgeable on this subject.
The F-Pack needs to be added when you stabilize/fine the batch and then let it age.
Seen as how Angellwine has already stabilized, can the f-pack be
put in. Maybe wait till it is clarified, then rack off lees, then add
f-pack then stabilize again?
Adding the F-Pack will certainly cloud the wine so waiting until the wine is clear and racked off the lees isn't a good option. Then you have to find a way to clear the wine again!
What options would you have at this point then add and reclarify or
just not use the f-pack and top off with another chardonnay? Always
good to know now what I might need to know in the future. Thanks for
the knowledge.
Without the F-Pack the Island Mist Peach Chardonnay willbe a low alcohol Chardonnay since all the flavor is in the F-Pack. Not sure why you would buy a Island Mist kit and not use the F-Pack.
Adding the F-Pack now is as simple as pouring it in and stirring well providing all the stabilizers (k-meta and sorbate) and fining agent has been added.

Hey if all else fails follow the instructions included in the kit!
I'd stabilized this morning then went ahead put the f-pack in this afternoon. My thinking on the whole process was that most scratch wines you don't sweeten until you get ready to bottle but Tim V. is smarter than me so I followed the instructions.