WineXpert extra racking

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Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
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I been doing mist and vintner's reserve kits and those don't have you rack 8 days after you stabilize the wine like the Selection Original White Merlot I just started. instead they tell you to let it sit two weeks and then bottle. I was thinking when I do a mist kit again why cant I rack it after 8 days and then let it sit another 8 or so days like the white Merlot kit? would the other kits not benefit from that too making them clearer? that is the reason the Merlot is the have that extra step.
I do an extra rack on mist type kits a few days before bottling. While we do not mind sediment so of the folks we gift wine to, do mind it.
I am working on a wine for a wedding going into clear bottles with an awesome label the groom made and I do not want sediment in the bottles.
Another trick I discovered is to rack, put all the sediment in a 1/2 gallon carboy and stick in the freezer. By time we are done bottling and corking there can be as much as a full 750 ml bottle when we remove it from the freezer. I pack frozen packages from the freezer around the carboy so it gets colder faster.
Works like a charm!

Sometimes we get busy with our business and have left them in carboys for weeks at a time. Does not hurt anything.