RJ Spagnols EP Syrah-Oak Question

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May 13, 2010
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So, I've worked my way through a few kits with some success, and I ordered the EP Syrah when George had it on clearance. It came with both oak sawdust and two sticks (staves?) labeled as "Hungarian Oak". The instructions had me add the sawdust during primary, which I did. I've now racked to secondary and it is resting nicely, but the instructions don't seem to give any indication as to when, whether and how long to add the oak sticks.

The wine is still pretty green and my taste buds have a hard time differentiating how oaked a wine is while it is still high in CO2 and has not had time to settle. At the moment I'm thinking I'll give it a month or so in secondary before judging whether to add additional oak or not.

Anyone figured out what to do with these staves? Am I just missing it in the instructions?


Generally when it is put into secondary you add the staves to the secondary. The longer you leave it in, the oakier it will get to maximum extraction. I would put it in as the kit is designed to use them and leave about 2 weeks and then evaluate it best you can. Wait until it tastes just a bit too oaky and rack off the staves or pull them out if you have attached them to threads or dental floss for easy retrieval. It mellows out with age and that is why you want to go just a bit past.
I add them while bulk aging after all the fining is done. I know myself that I like a lot of oak so dont think twice about adding both but if you are not a huge oak person wait till ready to bulk age and add 1 and after a few weeks taste it and see if its anywhere near what you would like, if its close leave the one in longer, if its not close insert the other one and taste aging in 2 weeks. Remember that oak will fade into your wine so youll actually want it a little more oaked then what you want unlike sweetening a wine where that will show a little more over time.
Yeah, and if I've read correctly, your first name is Dan as well?

May be the reason I haven't posted much; two Dan Boltons may be too much for any one forum

Anyway, the sticks went in this morning - hoping for the best! I have found I really like heavily oaked wines as well, so put it in and forget about it!

boltonski said:
Yeah, and if I've read correctly, your first name is Dan as well?

May be the reason I haven't posted much; two Dan Boltons may be too much for any one forum

There goes the neighborhood! LOL It's a pleasure to have both of you on here. Just don't be making the same mistakes or people are going to start talking.