Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

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Ok so I started a batch of dragons blood per recipe ( I added a bit extra water half gallon) starting sg was 1082
the primary started with a nice cap on it and sg has steadily decreased on day 7 today it is now down to 1020 but there is little to no cap. Lots of bubbling and cracking temp is around 20 degrees c yesterday sg was 1030
Should I be concerned:
A: that there is no cap
B: Temp is 20 degrees c 68 f but goes up to about 24 c 75 f during the day
C: That fermentation will not go dry

I have not added any extra yeast or nutrient or energizer I stir once a day and squeeze juice bag

Should I
A: be concerned
B turn the temp up ( I don't really want to as long as it will not get stuck)
C: Relax don worry bout it

Thanks for your help
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i would add some sugar and nutrient and see if it starts up again.
that would be some very weak wine at 1.030
i ferment at 78 degrees all the time.
Sorry James for my confusing post.
sg has dropped steadily from 1082 now down to 1020 (was at 1030 yesterday) what has me concerned is there is very little foam cap on it but the must is still rolling and bubbling. And fermentation has not stopped...... I was just wonder if the lack of cap is a sign of things to come (stuck before dry) or should I just keep checking, stir more then once a day? etc.... Thanks
C: Relax.

Your SG is still dropping daily, so fermentation is going along nicely. The drop in SG will slow as it nears completion. Your temp might make it a bit slower than others, but you are well within yeast tolerance range. Many yeast varieties produce very little foam (EC-1118 is one of these), so the lack of a cap is of no concern. Watch the SG daily. That will be your chief indicator that things are going as planned.

Good luck!
Thanks Dave that is what I suspected I am learning patience and cleanliness are two very important tools in this art
You are very welocme. I tell everyone that being both slightly OCD and highly procrastinatory makes for great wine. :)
Ok so after 10 days sg is down to .993 was at .996 yesterday I racked into a secondary and I am thinking of letting it sit there for a while will help it or should I just commit yeastacide now. Will leaving sit off the gross lees for a few days topped up have any adverse effects or is it just pointless
what was your starting sg...are what do you think your abv will be...
i am not answering for dave at all, I try to get mine off the lees as soon as possible..if i see 1/2 inch of sediment, im racking. but im kinda nuts when it comes to sediment.
and dragon blood is after all, a fast track wine...meant to be consumed fresh and young...my opinion only
initial sg was 1.085 abv will be around 12 to 13 I would imagin this is where a carboy fridge would come in handy I am doing a small sample (1.5 litre in the fridge) cap on lose sediment is already starting in the bottom.
So another day in the pool (after work) another bottle drank!

I am finding that putting 3.5 cups of sugar for 5 gallon has left it a little dry. As time has gone on the sugar has dropped out and the berry flavor is coming forward.
Of course with less sugar then needed it leaves it a bit tart.
So I load it with Ice and drink fast.
If it warms up sitting out in 90 degree weather it gets tart.
I am glad my 2nd batch has 4.5 cups of sugar for 5 gallon.
Now I just have to make my way through 3/4 of a case so I can get the bottle to bottle the sweet stuff!
@Elmer. My first batch I added no sugar to (skeeter) this stuff and was like sucking raw lemons. So I added some sugar to a decanter (lemonade pitcher with a spigot) filled it with ice and skeeter and dreamed about having a pool.
Elmer, I would like to send you the goop from my 50 gallon batch, and have you do a video of the goop dance.
I use 3/4 cup per gallon..thats my magic number for my taste.
So, here I am. Initial ferment went awesome (about a week). I racked to the carboy and left it alone. This picture is about 3 weeks after that (4 weeks total). I just got some isinglass (it's all the local store had). Is it worthwhile to use the isinglass now? It doesn't look like it's clearing any differently than when it was first racked after fermentation finished. However, I heard that if you can see a flashlight without it breaking apart, it's "clear". In my opinion, it's not clear, as compared to my other wines. Bottle (not likely)? Use isinglass? Keep waiting (w/out isinglass)?


if isinglass is the same as super kleer...you will be shocked at 12 hours...it will clear enough to read a letter.
I have never used, or even seen, any fining agents before this. Here's the package. I might just dump half in this batch and half in my blueberry batch and see what happens.

detlion1643 said:
I have never used, or even seen, any fining agents before this. Here's the package. I might just dump half in this batch and half in my blueberry batch and see what happens.

I have used this & it worked well for me
Have you left that carboy like that for 3 weeks, with all that airspace?
*I already know the issues of headspace*

I have left it in that carboy, yes. However, I transfered just above 1.000 so that the gases will push the air out of the airlock until it's at .992. I don't have any 1 or 3 gallon carboys, so for the time being this is what I had to do. I do have plans to get the other sizes, but only when fun 'funds' are replenished!
It constantly amazes me how much everyone loves this recipe!

Is everyone's DB going well? Any issues to resolve?