Does Grape Juice go bad?

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Aug 19, 2023
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Hello all, here for help.
Moving home and I found a 5L Jerry can of Pinot Grigio grape juice, this was ordered from brewuk in 2015 I believe they have now closed, will the grape juice be ok? Seal has not been touched
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I agree with Joni, but sniff it first. If it doesn't get past your nose, don't let it touch your lips! If it tastes good, then it should be fine.

However, after 8 years regular juice is not likely to be good. I'd open it outdoors, as it could be really nasty.
* was this a commercially processed, shelf stable juice?
A shelf stable fruit as jelly or marmalade or heat treated pasta sauce or wine at 12% alcohol will resist microbial growth and be fine to consume. As with the marmalade example we should expect some flavor loss and as with an eight year old wine we should expect some browning.
* was the container it is in bulging?
As a rule, if we have gas production something has been growing, we don’t know what but we know that properly processed will not have gassing. The industry standard would be to toss it.
* age?
The standard shelf life on a fruit juice or tomato product is two years. We in the states toss a lot of food because it will not bring a lot of joy when being eaten. Someplace around 37% of calories that went into homes last year was tossed. Industry doesn’t have tools to prevent this, but we talk about how to stop the loss.
* is the can OK or rusted?
Grape is quite acidic, if the can is pitted this indicates air exposure with aerobic organisms being a risk. I leaker should be tossed.

Industry has various recovery tools as blending old with new crop, or turning it into a new product as grape solids concentrate.

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