WineXpert Degassing

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Al Fulchino said:
i got the bottles...all 1344 of them!...the same as the picture i think i put in another topic...i start bottling *maybe* tonite for one variety

You gonna fill ALL of those bottles?
That = 268 gallons WOW ! Would loke to see what that looks like.
well one thing has led to another...i had to look at some jobs and then a guy who gives me some plastic pallets called for me to come by and pick them up so if i bottle it will be late late...and my nephew came by to shoot his new 9mm and my 44 so minutes have flown...sometimes life just tries to come at you fast and your plans get pushed back.....

Rich i have a floor corker.....i like the simplicity of it and i enjoy that aspect of it that makes it have that *handmade, hand applied* aspect and because i do just a little at a time it stays fresh and fun

Tepe, with what i have after all the sediment and chips are removed it will be under 200 for sure...and since all the wine ages differently so will the bottling cellar racks currently hold 200 or so bottles but are positioned for show and balance in the room.....i did buy this summer somr racks that hold 440 bottles that i may position in the cellar if i can make the setup look good....i also picked up some rackes from a wine store that had closed for 40 bucks that hold several hundred ..i figure time i start bottling, i will start drinking and giving away ( i owe some people here bottles as a matter of fact) and by time family reunion time comes along i will have dented the number and can bottle more if space was an issue...i tried three different style bottles this year to see how i like what each one brings to the table
Gee Al,

I wish I was on your wine list LOL

I myself will be bottling 700+ bottles around April. Still collecting and not near that number.

Glad you kept your volume @ 200 gallons.. LOL
its the law Tepe, whch i can see you are also observing...and if its one thing we folks of italian descent do is we respect the law...btw its easy to get on my list...either you have to be my family orfriend...or like the many peoplehere you have to have helped me...OR you trade me...its easy!

As of today i gave my last bottles from the 2007 vintage that i allowed myself, the rest are for aging for personal use.....from here on out its the 08's

by the way, i know it looks like a lot of bottles but what i learned from last year was that i ran out of bottles and was left reusing some which i dont care to now i will have some cases to start something when the next go-round to get the pallet price i did have to take the full the way, i carried all 100 or so cases from wateroo and did not hear one broken bottle in the batch......just so you know
Well, if anyone lives near Al I see a place to get bottles as he has just dad he doesnt like to reuse bottles!!!!!!! I be in his garbage can tonight!
garbage cans are in the garage...but if i hear them rattle during the overnite, i lean to the S&W 44....and my contacts wont be in so i cant tell if its you or some rabid not a good idea
Thanks for the reply guys but I am not buying the larger surface area. If you had said the primary is at atmospheric pressure and the secondary, because it has an air lockwith3/4" of sanitizing solution, is at a higher pressure Iwould have been sold. So, I need some more convincing.

It turns out that I have been using an AJ pail forthe secondphase of fementaion rather than a carboy. I did that at first because it was so much easier to clean than a carboy and the oak was a mess in the carboy. And, I thought the head space much less than in a primary (although much more than in a carboy but there is still lots of CO2). Lately, and with this current batch of Chianti,the kit oak goes in as extended lees contact is initiated, i. e. second racking, orsince Ipour the first racking, my first racking.Whatdo you think of that approach? Comments, cautions, ideas?
Jack, compared to finishing in a carboy there is a lot less gas but there is definitely much gas there, just no where near as much as there would be if transferred at say 1.040 into glass.
So here is a follow up question......I got my brake bleeder whicj I'm currently using on my Pinot noir. Its holding about 18" of suction, so I'm guessing that it is done degassing.

With my Cab. Merlot blend, all I used was the vac. vin. The wine is in the carboy and i'm about to do the first racking after adding the stabilizers and clarifiers.....Can I or should I wwarm the wine back up, put the brake bleeder on it and make sure I got all of the gas out, or can I wait till bottling time, or should I not worry about it at all.....

Do not do so until after racking or it will stir everything backup. Just wait till after racking and see what it will hold after wards.
I generally figure that if I can hold 17-18 in of vacuum for 10 minutes at mid-70's temp I am done degassing.
Ok thanks....I'm fairly sure that it is done...Is there any harm in doing it in 6 months before I bottle just to be sure...
You will be spashing the wine when you bottle or rackso, given everything else you've done, that additional agitation should suffice.
Finguy said:
You will be spashing the wine when you bottle or rackso, given everything else you've done, that additional agitation should suffice.

That is something to avoid. There is very little agistation when I transfer. Surly you don't just pour your wine from one carboy to another..

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