De gasser

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Nov 7, 2009
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Hi all

I'm looking to buy a vacuum pump to degas all of my mine. Just wondering what to buy a oiless or one that takes oil?

Thanks for your time
I was at our local grower's club meeting last evening. I pointed out the hosts oil type pump and he asked me how long it takes for it to degas. He had shut it off after a minute because it was steaming. It seems that it was spewing out a fog of oil so he shut it off thinking it was overheating. I mentioned that was like I prefer the oil free ones.
Oil Free!!!!!!!!!!! A few of us have them and use it or many other wine making duties like racking, filtering and bottling. You can rack from the floor up to your counter, you can bottle with the help of a Buon Vino Automatic Auto Bottle Gravity Filler and be done in minutes an if you add a whole house filter like one from a Home Improvement store you can filter also. Heres a pic of mine during racking.
Instead of the receiving carboy, you put the filler in line and use it that way. When the bottle gets full, it shuts off automatically, even though the vacuum keeps running. Place it in the next bottle and retrip the filler and so on.
Just me and Rich to my knowledge. Im guessing that youre talking about the filler wand and most likely but let me tell you to step up to the Boun Vino and youll be enjoying this hobby much more. I have a bad back and anything I can find to prevent me from lifting heavy stuff or make bending over for long times much shorter is worth every $ I spend and the combination of these 2 items was about $130 and if you went to Walmart and grabbed a filter system youd be at about $160 with filters. I used to use the bottling wand and it works fine but takes about 1/2 an hour to bottle a 6 gallon batch and being bent over that long isnt good. I bottled a 6 gallon batch in about 4 minutes the other day with this unit. Another good thing about this bottle filler is that you dont have problems with those high punt bottles.
Yep, thats what I have now and really dont know why I waited so dang long for something so cheap and easy!
Where did you find your vacuum pump? I've done a few searches on hardware sites and - are they called something else??? I can't find any...
They are pretty much all the same. Make sure they have a gauge and an inline filter and hopefully an overflow container but you can get those separately from Ebay also or from a medical supply company locally. Most will only go up to 22" of vacuum and thats all you need but there are a few that will go higher and thats fine also as long as you set the regulator to not do so. I would not expose a glass carboy to any more then 22" and do not even think of using a better bottle as it will just cave right in. Here are a few good names. Gomco, CPI, Invacare, Schuco.
Thanks, Wade! I don't own any better bottles and I understand why they call it a VACUUM pump, so - no worries there. LOL. This may be something I put on my Christmas wish list...
I use my vacuum pump for racking, degassing, filtering, and for filling bottles. So easy and saves so much muss and fuss. Bought my pump and accessories on ebay.
I just bought one on e-bay for $25 with $15 shipping. Need to get to Lowes to buy some parts to connect it and replace the nasty looking tubing that was on it. Overflow container looks fine (and is glass) but the tubing looks like either something died in it or it is full of penicillin.