Danger's lab---keep out!!!

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That works for me, too. I ask Johnna what she wants, then get what I want. I wish I lived near a LHBS. We have nothing within an hour of here. :m
One just opened up by me. I can actually walk there. Plus the owner is really nice. I go in there and just hang out and chat when I have time. We test all his customers stuff when I'm there because people bring stuff in all the time for him to try and give feedback. Its pretty fun!

I have not been idle in the Lab this past month. If anything, I have amped up my production.

The Dragonette (Triple Berry Wine) is clearing nicely and ready to rack again. I started it in late August. I may bottle it soon and let it set for holiday consumption. It's flavor improved very much with the final addition of some of the juice from the triple berry blend. It's dark and fruity, and I think I'll put it in some green bottles---since I have so many of those on hand.

Three batches of Dragon Blood sit clearing, waiting for me to back-sweeten. I've recently run out of this---my signature utility wine---and I hope with this influx of product to prevent that tragedy from recurring.

The Apple-Raspberry (from Old Orchard concentrate) is giving me some gas problems. It doesn't seem to want to give up the CO2. I have not had luck with the concentrate wines, but I hope after letting it sit and racking a few more times, it will come out nice. I've yet to get a good taste of it because of the lingering gas. The bubbly makes it bitter, you know.

The Cellar Craft Showcase Super Tuscan Style Rosso Fortisimo (say that fast three time!), IMO, is going to be magnificent! It claims a body of 5, and I believe it! It is very dark and rich and full of flavor even now, and I just added the clearing agents. This one will be stashed under lock and key beneath my basement stairs and brought out next fall for the 2013 holiday season.

My wife's Island Mist Green Apple Riesling is well under way. I offered to experiment with it for possible improvement, but she said, "Don't you dare!", so I make her kits by the instructions, just as she likes them. No one appreciates a good cheap wine like she does, and I appreciate her unsophisticated taste in wine very much!

The Vintners Reserve World Vinyard Pinot Grigio is for me, so I took some liberties with this kit. I added a bag of golden California raisins to the primary and gave them a good sqeeze every day. It's now in secondary, and I am eager to see how it turns out. This is another one that will sit for a year before consumption.

The Red Dragon Melomel is one of my Dragon Blood variations, with white clover honey replacing the sugar in the primary. I racked it to seconary yesterday. It had to have the best smelling must I have ever made. I have great hopes for this one. We shall see!

I've got two more kits ready to start soon. A Australian Traminer/Riesling, and a German Muller-Thurgau, both from Wine Expert's Selection International collection.

So, as you can see, I've been busy. I hope the rest of you are too, making wonderful wine for wonderful times! Here's picture of the current Lab operations...
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I am now branching out and doing more than one wine at a time.I now have 10 gallons of muscadine, 6 gallons of peach and 5 gallons of strawberry going.
Yea, no kidding! Multi-production is the only way I can keep ahead of consumption. We love wine at our house. My wife loves wine, her family loves wine, my family loves wine. What a bunch of winos! :dg
I never knew before I started making wine...HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY! :m

I just ordered three more kits from Doug at Brew and Wine Supply!!! Somebody stop me!!! :<
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I just ordered three more kits from Doug at Beer and Wine Supply!!! Somebody stop me!!! :<
what did you order?

You need to quit posting pics of your work space. Totally makes me jealous every time.
what did you order?

You need to quit posting pics of your work space. Totally makes me jealous every time.

I'm sorry! I spend a lot of time right there. :pic

I got a couple of cheap kits to keep the families busy---a White Cranberry Pinot Gris (one of my wife's favorates) and a Blueberry Pinot Noir (one I haven't tried yet). And for me, I got a Grand Cru International Washington Merlot. I'm going to make the PG to order (Johnna won't let me mess with her kits) and throw a mesh bag of blueberries into the PN, just for good measure. I might order me a box of those grape packs from ebay and toss one in the merlot---because I can! :h

I saved $40 on the order with the 20% discount! :mny Better order while it's still the 5th! Today's the last day! The link is right up there in Doug's post!

Thanks Doug!!! :hug
Attended our final (for this year) holiday family gathering yesterday at my brother's house. I brought the wine, since my brother called three times this week to make sure I was bringing some of my wine. :)

Lucky them! They were treated to a variety of eight different wines from my cellar. My brother's favorate was the OrangaTang (orange lemon), says he has a thing for orange. The ladies (mom, sister, sister-in-law) all loved the Dragonette, especially after it was nicely chilled. They all carted off the rest (several bottles of each) to enjoy at their leisure.

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DD ... i had to do a double take when this thread came up today ... read the leading post and thought "what?? Dave new to all this?" (then I took my nose out of the wine and noticed the date this thread started .. )... you've become a wealth of knowledge and give me hope that I can do it too!! thanks!
I finally read this entire thread from start to finish...what can I say besides...WOW! You rock brother!
I am very impressed, to say the least!

It is ironic, most of us seem to go through the same stages....

I started with "just three" 5 gallon carboys and 2 batches of wine, I told myself that I would never need any more, I remember thinking "let's be honest, who needs to make more than 10 gallons of wine"...lol
I bought a few more carboys and buckets of juice, assuring my wife that it would be nice to have a variety on hand, and that I was making them for her...lol
I told myself that there would be no reason that I would ever make a fruit/country wine, and mead?..."what's a mead?"

Here I am, several months into it, I've read and reread 6 books, numerous pdf's, white papers, websites, I have just under 20 carboys, 3 gal, 5 gal, 6 gal, with more 6 gal ordered, numerous 1/2 and 1 gal growlers, 13 batches of wine ranging from traditional red and white grape varieties, hard cider, country wine, mead/melomel, spumante, and I cannot get enough!!

I have to thank all of the good folks here that have patiently answered all of my questions, I couldn't have done it with as much ease without the guidance!

The Dragon blood and Melomel are a huge hit, I am floored with just how much everyone likes it! My wife and I actually had a talk about planning out the next few batches as to keep it stocked, it can easily be depleted as fast as you can make it...LOL!

I would love to have the space that you have Dave, my basement is warehouse space for my business, and trust me when I tell you that I've been trying to consolidate to make room for wine, right now my office is my wine room.

I will be picking up 30 lbs of fresh honey on Wed, after reading all of your dragon blood varieties, I may make 2-5 gallon batches, one being the 4 berry blend, and the other, Blue Macaw/Tropical fruit.

Great job Dave! keep us updated!
Dave, :spm

I am new this year to winemaking. You are an inspiration to all.
when I started reading the thread, I thought I would be reading a tale close to where I am at now( 3 carboys). I was not prepared for all that you have accomplished.

You have seriously entered the stratosphere with your knowledge and production.

Happily bringing up the rear,

DangerDave, I salute you! The amount that you have accomplished in such a short time is incredible!:b

Someday, I too will have a cellar that stocked!

Thanks for the education and all your hard work.

I plan on a Dragon Blood and some variations in the near future...;)
Hi Dangerous Dave. Great thread and really found a lot of interesting & helpful information. Congratulations to you for being successful with your hobby and hopefully you have given me the incentive I need to get started. I signed up for a winemaking class next week and plan on supplying my lab soon after the holidays. Thanks for all of the helpful pictures and advice.......Frank
You're awesome Dave!

I did all family gifts as my homemade wines and canning this year - BIG hit! I've already received some of the bottles back empty...