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Oct 9, 2006
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I've got 6 different fruit wines that I started back in November (not from kits but from purchased juices at the grocery store). Most look pretty clear (except for an apricot made from jam). I'd like to just finish them up but am thoroughly confused about all the different fining agents. I have sparkolloid powder but have read that depending on whether the particles are positive or negative you might experience a problem if you use the wrong agent. I've gotten the impression that maybe superklear is a good choice for a beginner winemaker like myself. Any suggestions?

Also, as to degasing -- Would it be a good idea when I add the fining agent just to stir the dickens out of the wine then? Thanks.

Super-Kleer is a great fining agent to use since it is two different compounds and they attract both positive and negative particles and you need to degas well before using or it will not be effective.

Super-Kleer contains Kieselsol and Chitosan

Kieselsol is a proprietary name for a fining agent belonging to the class of silica dioxides and has an action very similar to that of bentonite. Silica dioxides electrostatically bind with positively charged proteins in wine and initiate flocculation and settling.

Chitosan is a non-proteinaceous fining agent, a polysaccharide of the Sucrose Polymer family. It is derived from chitin extracted from ocean shellfish, the same organic material that makes up fingernails and human hair. It works by a process of molecular adsorption, where the Chitosan has an electrical charge, which attracts oppositely charged particles clouding the wine, binding them and pulling them out of suspension.
It s also used as a food additive and dietary supplement. Although it is derived from shellfish, there is absolutely no danger of any allergic reactions to the product, as there are no allergens left after the Chitosan is processed.
Edited by: masta
I can attest to this Anne, I did noy properly degass my Barolo and
everything floated and stayed at the top instead of the bottom.