Clarifying Reds

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2007
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I purchased a Sangiovese aseptic juice kit that came with bentonite. I haven't used bentonite with a red before. Does anyone have any advice?
If it came with the kit, use it. They do quite a lot of testing to come up with the best procedures for making the kits. If they include it, it will give the best results for you. Most kits use some form of bentonite and it usually goes in the primary fermenter where it will do the best job. Just read the directions and follow them as to when to do each procedure.
By the way, Welcome to Forum.
Use it per the kits instructions and you wont be disappointed. I've never left it out, so cant really state it makes a huge difference, but if the kit has it, its been tested true to work.
Bentonite is used to remove excess amounts of protein which form clouds or hazes in wines. It is especially helpful in white wines but there are benefits in reds also. It helps induce a more rapid clarification.

Edited by: wade
My shiraz has bentonite--you rack off the lees and top up. wait to clear. if more falls rack off again.
I like super clear with anything.
This kit had only insinglass i think---it was one of the 2 items that comes with super clear.

I just follow the destructions when doing a kit.
wade said:
SuperKleer includes Chitosan & Kiesol.

Im too lazy to go look but I found it interesting that it used the dirt in the primary and the liquidwhatever toward the end of thewine makingprocess.
Welcome to a great place of knowledge and fun.
I have a concern. I layed my white zin bottles in my wine rack about 3 wks ago. I pulled a couple out to give to co-workers. When I looked at the wine it had a little "cloud" or haze. I gave it a little up and down motion and the cloud went away. What the heck is that?

My Cab Shiraz came with betonite also. I, too, have found that crystal clear wine is to my liking.
In fact, I add the last 2 packets to my shiraz this week.
uavwmn what you are seeing is probably theresult of bottling a little early. A wine can look clear, but continue to throw off very fine sediment which will look like a little cloud for a while until it settles out in the bottom, or on the side depending on how you store. It is hard to tell with a dark red wine in the carboy just how clear it is. If in doubt just let it age a bit more in the carboy before bottling. Even if you use a filter, unless it is a fine pad you can pass through a few fine solids. It's nothing to worry about and just add a little authenticity to the wine being from a fine vineyard.
What I have found with the cloudiness in White Zin especially is if you are not careful when pouring the cloudiness really affects the taste. I had that problem with my first batch of white zin because I wasn't patient enough and couldn't wait to bottle it
The first red I ordered (ever) was a Cabernet Sauvignon which came as a 6-gallon aseptic juice. No instructions included, just the juice and a packet of yeast. I started this wine on 11/21 and added some table sugar to raise the brix to 23.5. I followed procedures found in my home wine making book, but they made no mention of using clarifying agents in reds.So I didn't add bentonite during primary fermentation. I finished fermentation in a carboy, and the wine has been still for two weeks. There's an inch of visible sediment at the bottom of the carboy now, and I plan to rack again, onto oak chips,at Christmas when the kids come to visit. So here's my question:
If the wine is cloudy when I rack it, what should I use at this stage to clarify it?

Thanks for all the advice.
You can use more time to do it whichwill probably take another 2 months or you can use SuperKleer. Just make sure you degas the wine or the fining agent will not work properly.
superkleer is good stuff works quickly and throughly,keep it aroud all the time,time and learning curve,patience above all,what did the man say "WE WILL BOTTLE NO WINE BEFORE IT'S TIME",