Can this barrel be saved?

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
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We inherited an old oak wine barrel that once had wine in it sometime in the 1960's. A few years ago it was stored full of water. I can only imagine since that time, the water has slowly evaporated leaving mold growing as it receded...

Is there a way to clean it so it can be used again, if only to hold drinking water?

Thank you!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont even think about it!!!!! It is what it is now, a rain barrel. Once they get contaminated its impossible to save unless you take them apart and maybe roast the crap out of it and even then Im not sure it would be good. You would need a cooper to put it back together properly. I wouldnt put my wine in it, ever! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I agree with Wade. There is so many things you can do with it now though. A rain barrel, cut it in half for two planters, or just clean it up and use it as an ornament. Do a google search for other ideas.
Often you can find used barrels for sale. They are for sale because they have used up their usefulness. New barrels give off the oak flavor quick and wine is in these briefly then racked to older barrels for aging.

The barrels are rotated after proper cleansing then disposed off to someone. If not properly cared for you are in for a lot of ruined wine.

Sorry. It looks like a flower pot.:(
A used barrel still has a good use if its still om to put wine in it. That use is called micro oxygentation which can really enhance a wine and you can always add your own oak to it. This process concentrates the wine some and can make a big difference.
I so didn't want to hear that... I was 'hoping' you'd say I could bleach the crap out of it and then it would be ok to use for drinking water...

Thanks for the reality check :(
That's why these guys get paid the "BIG BUCKS". LOL
I know and Im sorry, sad but true! Its wood so once it gets an infection in there its a goner! Its just near impossible to get any sanitizer into the smallest of crevices where bacteria thrive!