Buon Vino bottle filler

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Nov 5, 2006
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Raleigh, NC, USA
I'm looking to replace my ancient filler tube -- it still works great, unless the bottle has a large punt. In this case it's a PITA to use.

Has anyone used the Buon Vino bottle filler? The feedback on this one sounds ok, so it's a strong contender at this point.
I'm open to other suggestions as well. Thanks!
I hated it. I've had 2 of them thinking the first was just defective. It leaks and makes a huge mess, though on a smaller scale than the Ferrari filler. I do like the EnolMatic. It's more money but it works well and takes the pain out of bottling. The all-in-one works pretty well too. It's slower than the Enolmatic but perfectly satisfactory.
it works fine. I actually used the electric version which this filler is a integral part. the electric version had a pump shutting off liquid once bottle is full.
Buon Vino, Table Top Fill Jet - Walmart.com - Walmart.com
When I first started the filler tube was a major frustration. We had some experience with with the the Buon Vino Table top Fill Jet at a local place (where I first learned about kit wine making). My wife found one on ebay for $200 so we bought it. I cleaned/refurbished it and it has been working great for us for going on three years. The retail price of $440 is a little steep for a one trick pony machine like this but I didn't pay retail. And if I had bought the AIO first I probably would not have bought it. But I have it and I'm not getting rid of it. Now when we do bottling, my wife runs the filler and I run the corker. That's where the nickname came from. 😁
Thanks for the feedback so far. Reading online reviews, there is a lot of hit-n-miss with the inexpensive fillers.

I checked Facebook Marketplace, a Buon Vino is available in my area for $200. I'm thinking about it.
I'm looking to replace my ancient filler tube -- it still works great, unless the bottle has a large punt. In this case it's a PITA to use.

Has anyone used the Buon Vino bottle filler? The feedback on this one sounds ok, so it's a strong contender at this point.
I'm open to other suggestions as well. Thanks!

I believe I bought one of those several years ago and never could quite figure out how to make it work. I have used this one for many years. Only problem is it ships some of the top no matter how much you tighten that top thing, but not enough to cause issues.

I believe I bought one of those several years ago and never could quite figure out how to make it work. I have used this one for many years. Only problem is it ships some of the top no matter how much you tighten that top thing, but not enough to cause issues.


I have used this one for several years with my auto siphon. It has worked well. I don't see it in this photo, but mine has a thin tubing coming out of the top, which is for air to escape from the bottle. Usually a little wine will come out there as well, so I usually put an empty sanitized bottle under that hose to catch the oveflow.
I agree with @mikewatkins727. I recently bought and have used the AIO wine pump and purchased some of the extras also. I was thinking, even if I found a used good quality bottle filler for $200, for not much more money, I could use the AIO to rack (without lifting full carboys), degass, fill bottles and filter (if I wanted to). I've attached the list of items I bought and what they cost in case you find it helpful. Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 9.11.52 PM.png
Last fall I purchased an electric pump and am satisfied with it. I strongly considered the AIO pump, but went with a different solution.

The Buon Vino table model looks good, but it appears overpriced to me. I'm still considering the used one, if it's still available.
I operate pretty small, but splurged and bought the AIO. I'm glad I did. I'm making way more wine than I thought I would and this AIO (once I got it put together right) works perfectly for me. I'm able to handle the whole process myself without making a mess.
I, too, got the AIO with the bottle filler. I have not tried filtering but use it for racking, degassing, and bottling and am extremely happy with it. I do have the same issue as @mikewatkins727 with having to hold the stopper on bottles with narrower necks. As long as I can still do it all myself, I am happy and so is my husband, since it's baseball season and I don't have to interrupt his game watching! 😂🤣😂
I also use and love our AIO pump and filter. I would not be making wine without it

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