Bulk aging suggestions

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Sep 9, 2010
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I just started wine making this summer. I now have 3 5 gallon carboys of wine that has fermented out, ie the airlock is not moving. When this has happen to the wine, I have racked it and added campben. Now I know as a new wine maker patience is the key. So, one wine is pear, one a cherry melomel, one a peach wine. What are recommendations on how long I wait from here to bottle? Do I wait to see if no more sediment comes out? Do I wait 2 months and rack and wait. What guidelines do you use for how long to bulk before bottling. I am not in any real hurry since my wine/beer room has to be built this winter. But I was looking for suggestions.
rack every 3 months, add k-meta when you do.
I'd wait 6-12 months before bottleing

someone will correct me if I'm wrong :tz
I dont rack if there is nothing to rack off of. If it drops 1/2" of sediment and still dropping fast then Ill let it accumulate to about 1", if its been 3 months and its only dropped that 1/2" then Ill rack off.
It really depends on how much solids the wine contains. The more juice and or grapes or grape skins are involved the more solids the wine will contain. These solids take longer to clear and also can drop out color, it also will be harsher longer needing to mellow out but makes for much more body and tannin. If you are asking about a 10 liter wine kit then abot 3-4 months before bottling. If your asking about an all juice bucket, from grapes, or a 16 liter kt with grape skins then Id bulk age it about 8 months.
It really depends on how much solids the wine contains. The more juice and or grapes or grape skins are involved the more solids the wine will contain. These solids take longer to clear and also can drop out color, it also will be harsher longer needing to mellow out but makes for much more body and tannin. If you are asking about a 10 liter wine kit then abot 3-4 months before bottling. If your asking about an all juice bucket, from grapes, or a 16 liter kt with grape skins then Id bulk age it about 8 months.

Thanks! Its 6gal juice, not sure if it has skins though.

How much k-meta to I put in each time I rack?
How long should you age red wine for in the carboy before bottling?

All my reds are bulked aged for 1 year min. Now those are from Wine Juice not kits.

fruit wines 6 months Min..
Thanks! Its 6gal juice, not sure if it has skins though.

How much k-meta to I put in each time I rack?
Once you have added meta. 1/4tsp every 3 months.
You do not need to add everytime you rack
All my reds are bulked aged for 1 year min. Now those are from Wine Juice not kits.

fruit wines 6 months Min..

Thanks! What would be the shortest time you'd say one can be aged for?

I was planning on waiting til spring at least. I guess I will wait til I need the carboys next yr when fruit starts coming in season again. So sediment 1 in rack, if not every 3 months. Campden every other time. Thanks, the only bad thing is I know a couple of them taste okay NOW!!! Patience is a virtue I am still trying to acquire. Maybe wine making will help.
One more

If you bulk age 6-8 months, how long to age in the bottle before drinking? I suppose you could always just drink it from the racking tube.:)
If you bulk age 6-8 months, how long to age in the bottle before drinking? I suppose you could always just drink it from the racking tube.:)

Depends on what you are making.
Kit wines can be bottled faster. BUTT, I sitll like adding a few weeks to the directions.
After bottle for reds a month (kit wine) is min if not a year.
Best if just starting out get some kits and bottle. Then once you get the OBSESSION you will get more equipment and make more ..
Think OBSESSION !! :dg :dg :dg :dg
Obsession reached

I have 36 gallons total in carboys and about 6 gallons in a primary. I have not tried any kits since I live in the country and it is dry, think Baptist, here. I am making pretty much all fruit wines, but I did some rocket fuel experiments from store bought juices. I may have to order a kit though. So I have just read everything I can get my hands on. I just am having a hard time waiting since my peach is pretty clear, and I know the cherry tastes good. But alas, back to home brew for the moment.
would think since its all fruit wines 6-12 months aging will work. On a side note; I filter all my fruit wines. Comes out "sparkling" clear.