bottle/cork opener

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Senior Member
May 14, 2006
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Does anyone have a "good" bottle/cork wine opener? I seem to go through them alot.Most are made of plastic, or the metalbends, and the last one was suppose to be a really goodone that has the handle wrap around the bottle and a arm to draw down the cork screw, and bring the handle back up bringing the cork up with it. It broke, I"ve had two and they have broke on me!I have boughten several different types and am now looking fora "good" one. It gets to be a pain when you are looking for a screw driver or knife to open your wine bottle because your wine opener broke/ embarrasseing when company arrives.
The one that plunges down and removes the cork and releases it also is
called the rabit ears. I have been using mine for 2 1/2 years now with
nothing but ease. It is the wine conosiors edition and I bought it on
Ebay for $25.00 with the whole kit in a mahogany box.