Bottle aging

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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2007
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I've read several posts that if you let your wine bulk age in the carboy, you should add K-Meta to it. How about if you want to let it age in the bottle, do you still need to add the K-Meta to the carboy before bottling? If so, when exactly would you add it?
Per Wine Expert's directions, you add it right at bottling time to the bottling bucket/vessel and then the bottles will have it when going to the rack to age.
Thanks laney. Just so I'm clear, should I take a small cup of the wine and mix in the K-Meta and then pour it into the primary? Assuming I'm using the primary to bottle.
That's a question Wade just answered for me and he said he just put it in the bottom of the carboy (in your case the bottling bucket), but I do think trying to dissolve it for bottling would be preferred and then a gentle stir, to avoid oxidizing the wine more than necessary.

Here's the thread where Wade replied to my circumstance is a little different than bottling, but same principles should apply.
Adding it to a little wine would be fine to and even probably better
than the water if you dont want to rack or need to rack. Just be
careful as doing the stirring in a full carboy can create a volcano as
the k-meta is dissolved and end up with this.

Use short bursts and give it a little time in between to make sure you dont do this!
That looks like a bummer, Wade...I hate to lose wine. My last few batches that I've bottled have come at either 29 bottles or just a little over 29....

Would this be a time that it would be preferable to use a spoon or other stirring device vs. the Fizz-X stirrer?
This is the reason why I rack on top of the extra k-meta. there really isnt a good way of getting the k-meta stirred up good in a full carboy as the spoon doesnt mix it in good enough So I either rack it into the primary with Spigot and stir and bottle or rack it into another carboy and stir as it is mixed up pretty good by the racking and doesnt do what is in the picture. This picture was taken some time ago and does not happen any more due to chage in process.
I don't know if you have any pets Wade, but I just keep picturing your dog lapping up that mess and passing out.
Edited by: myway22