Beetroot wine question

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Aug 24, 2011
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So assuming I have the patience to let it sit for at least two years, will I actually get something that tastes good? Once you get past the earthy taste stage, what does it actually taste like?
Mine is over 2 yrs old and still tastes bad. My recipe was made with the boiling water only... not mashed beets. The juice was fantastic before it fermented!! I made 2 batches and dumped one after a year. I bottled the other just to let it sit a few years. Something I had to do, but no matter how good it MIGHT be... I won't do it again. There are far better wines that don't take that long!!

beetroot wine

Somewhere I read or heard that the addition of lemon juice during primary would make the earthy taste and smell go away.
And since I have a bunch of fist sized beets in the garden, I may have to try it. I made some years ago and didn't like the "dirt" smell or taste. Thought it was my fault.
Only aging will smooth it out... not lemon juice. I'm saving mine for the 4 yr mark... then it goes.
