Barrels multiplying

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Pulled the trigger on Vadai #2 this weekend. Now I'll have one for MLF'd wine and one for kits. Got the schedules worked out for both now through December.
Yea, now you did it. You know they will cross pollinate and before you know it you will have another little one! :)
What size did you go for? I am trying to decide what would be best for me.
Yea, now you did it. You know they will cross pollinate and before you know it you will have another little one! :)

I'm actually a little concerned about that. Obviously, my kits will be kept properly sulfited, but is there anything else I should do to prevent any "hanky panky"? :D Do they need to be physically separated?

What size did you go for? I am trying to decide what would be best for me.

Both are 23 liter. My schedule now has me doing 4 juice buckets a year. Each will spend 3 months in the barrel. Same with kits.
Congrats on the new addition to your winery!

In preparation for my 6 gallon barrel, I didn't add the sorbate to any of my kits.

I should have purchased 2 more 6 gallon barrels instead of 2 - 5 gallon, I was used to only getting 5 gallons if wine from the juice buckets that I bought locally.

I figured this was normal. reality it was poor handling and storage on part of the lhbs.

Since I picked up my buckets directly fom M&M, I been getting a full 6 gallons.

I'm sure that once I rack them a few times I'll lose a bit to sediment, I'll use the extra to top off the barrels.
I'm sure that once I rack them a few times I'll lose a bit to sediment, I'll use the extra to top off the barrels.

Save that sediment in as small a sealed jar as it will fit (as little air as possible). Store it in the frig for a week or so, then use a sanitized turkey baster to extract the clean, clear wine off the top of the now settled sediment. Over the cycle of a typical batch, you can recover several bottles of wine this way.
I no longer play Barry White in the wine room for that reason. I had one and am now "expecting" another.:ft:b
Thanks for the laughs gang! :) Regarding the "cross pollination", perhaps there is a latex cover I can put on one of the barrels for protection. :)

Tom: to your point: I pretty much have given up using sorbate, unless sweetenting. Definitely an no-no around the MLB.
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After a mix up with my order, my new baby arrived today, finally. The stand was broken beyond repair, so I sent an email to MoreWine about it. An hour later, I heard back from them and was told a new stand is on the way. Great service from those guys. I've begun the break in and hope it goes as well as my first one did. That one was as water tight as a frog's arse. :)

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

Mike, you were right!!! After Six months of sitting in a dark cool room with a bunch of wine, LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! My 2 barrels DID multiply!!!!!!!!!! :):):):) By the looks of it, It IS indeed a boy :)

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Ahhhh the doting parents and the prodigal son! Is the camera turned sideways or is the photographer listing! Those barrels look rather sideways!
They're a little tipsy after all ther cerebraiten.

I read somewhere that, that helps keep the top staves from drying out.
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So adorable! Congrats to the proud parents!

Wait, we are talking about barrels here, right? ;)
Oh yeah!!! I just emptied the nest :sm the Pitter Patter of little Staves is NOT in my future for sure :mny:h

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