Barrel Leak

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Aug 1, 2016
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Hi all,

any advice on what I should do about this leak? Filled this barrel yesterday with 100 liters of Sangiovese. It was previously full and didn't have any leaks really... barrel l.jpg
Hi all,

any advice on what I should do about this leak? Filled this barrel yesterday with 100 liters of Sangiovese. It was previously full and didn't have any leaks really... View attachment 52998

I wouldn’t do anything at the moment, other than spritzing some sulfite solution on it to remove the stain and keep it clean. Small stave leaks like that usually seal themselves up. If it persists, some beeswax may alleviate it.
I'll give that a try. The sulfite with water should remove the stain?

Thanks John.

Yes, I keep some sulfite solution in a little spray bottle for quick sanitizing jobs. Just spritz it on there and wipe off, it works wonders for removing those barrel stains, especially if you get to them while they are fresh and still wet.
I used standard beeswax on a leak recently and it definitely helped.
And eventually I tightened the hoops.
I keep my solution simple. 3 tbs kemta 1tbs citric per gal. And 3tsp/1tsp per 32oz spray bottle.
My thoughts exactly... The Cab that was in it before had quite a bit of sediment that seemed to fill the gaps in the staves. Maybe after cleaning it with hot water this opened things up. Either way I'm not too concerned,.
My thoughts exactly... The Cab that was in it before had quite a bit of sediment that seemed to fill the gaps in the staves. Maybe after cleaning it with hot water this opened things up. Either way I'm not too concerned,.

I did notice in the pic you posted, what appears to be some hairline spaces between the staves, though it’s hard to tell from the pic, am I correct?

If so, were they always there, or have they developed over time? I wonder if the wood my be drying out on the exterior due to a dry environment. Anything changed in your storage conditions? Humidity levels? Just thinking out loud.......
Yes the stave spaces have always been there since I bought this Hungarian barrel back in October. I did a proper barrel prep with hot water and didn't have any leaks.

My cellar is a little cooler at this time of year but nothing drastic. I also have a French oak 55L from Allary in the same cellar and it has never ever leaked in 3 years.
You can clearly see that the craftsmanship on the French barrel is far better than the Hungarian.
Yes did over 2000 lbs this year of a Cab blend and a 100% Sangiovese.

I have been making wine since my younger days with my father who taught me his knowledge and more old world Sicilian way. Wild fermentation, very little additives and the results a less complex but good table wine. I did that for many years in my fathers cellar until I started in my own home in 2015. Still have lots of great equipment passed down from generations but the science has definitely changed.

2018 was my 4th vintage and I have learned quite a bit over the years. I love wine making and all the possibilities it brings to life.

My next project is a bottle storage cellar across from the room where I bulk age in the pic above. I got my hands on some serious racking a few months back from a large cellar that was being taken down from a restaurant.

Lol the rack was taken down pretty aggressively but it is built well and pretty high quality. It will look much better once fixed up and installed. I just placed the pieces there like a puzzle to get some ideas on how it will come together.

I'll post pics when it is done!
Really digging the whole thing. I’m actually not too far behind in needing a large bottle rack area sometime soon. That racking setup with all the sections and valence and all is kinda perfect.
Unfortunately the rest of the home is being renovated and my wineroom and cellar aren’t exactly top priority. But comfortable chipping away a little at a time over the years. Because aside from the actual wine, it’s also fun planning and hooking up your spot
Thanks for the pics Donz, looking forward to seeing it afterwards.
Let me know if any more racks fall off the back of any trucks!
And Fred, looks like there’s plenty of wine coming down the pipeline to soon fill that sucker up!