Autism Awareness Day

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Jul 21, 2010
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Today's the day. You might see blue ribbons flying; some TV channels have changed their logos blue.. You may be wondering why. It's Autism.

When my brother was diagnosed ('99-'00), the rate was 1 in 250 children.
Today? 1 in 50.

If you haven't been exposed to someone with Autism, don't know anyone with Autism or anyone with a child who has been diagnosed.. Count your blessings.

It's just one day, to a lot of people... But it's every day, for my brother.

It's the small things in life.. As simple as wearing a blue ribbon on a day like today, or not giving the next Special Needs person, the ugly eye, simply because you don't understand their differences.

We're all different; they just aren't scared to show it.
In honor of today, my brother took a bubble bath... Unbeknownst to everyone else in the house...

This picture was taken half way through clean up.. I promise you, he didnt PUT the bubbles in the toilet, they just grew there... And to the top of the cabinets, all the way to/under the bathroom door...

Needless to say, we're washing some towels today..
And the boys clean.

Here's hoping your brother continues to lead a happy and healthy life. Kudo's to the caretakers of Autistic children. :br
Great post Deezil. Thanks for the reminder. I told my psycologist daughter that I thought I was mildly autistic, she said "no dad you are just ridged". Gotta love daughters.
Manley thanks for sharing, I have no doubt you're a great caregiver. I still remember the picture of you guys outside in the winter playing.