Apple pie wine

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This is also one I need to put on my list, I have been pretty happy with the apple juice wines I have been making so this would be a short step further.
awesome glad to hear it mine i made from concentrate just keeps getting better and better every time i try it as well. its only about 3 months in the bottle now but its getting so smooth and the spices are coming forward so nicely it hurts to stop drinking hahah
That sounds so freakin' good. I think I might start a batch this month so it will be aged sufficiently by Thanksgiving of this year. yum.
I use a standard apple wine recipe, then as final aging I put cinnamon stick and for a 3 gal. jug I also used 1 tsp nutmeg.
i found the sticks to be a little disappointing, ground was the way to go to ensure some in each bottle. you have some nutmeg and cinnamon floating in there but the flavor is great
I used apple pie spice in mine, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves altogether in one spice bottle. The spice did not float. From what I could see and taste as it went to secondary, it may need more. I decided to wait and see and then decide. Seems very cloudy to me but then I stirred it up before going to secondary.
yes it drops to the bottom, that's why i stirred some before i bottled so it would be picked up in my auto siphon, then a good shake to each bottle before opening and boom there it is :dg
Why were you bottling immediately after adding the spices? Wouldn't a better way to age it with the cinnamon stick and perhaps some nutmeg/anything else to ensure that the entire batch takes on those flavors? Then you could filter and bottle it and not have to worry about shaking anything.
I waited, it sat for a bit but i wanted to make sure it tagged along, i dont filter anything, the only filtering i do is fruit in a mesh bag, thats about the extent of my filtering
I used bottled apple juice. I did not use pectic enzyme and I am thinking it will be cloudy for a long time.
Did anyone else use pectic enzyme?

Would it be too late to add it next racking? How much per gallon?
I have always used pectic enzyme on just the plain Apple juice wine and have not had a cloudiness issue.
I used bottled apple juice. I did not use pectic enzyme and I am thinking it will be cloudy for a long time.
Did anyone else use pectic enzyme?

Would it be too late to add it next racking? How much per gallon?

Pectic enzyme wont work during an active fermentation, but is fine before or after

It will cause some dusting on the bottom of the carboy though, from the pectin it chews through and causes to precipitate
I really would like the recipe for the apple pie wine if it not to much trouble. I was wondering if the apple taste comes through very well?