anyone up to do a 1 gallon test.

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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one gallon any wine any recipe, but add sorbate when it is cloudy and mix with wine first, then bottle when clear, with are without clearing agent , and letting it sit 3 mos on the shelf.
James I've done that with many of my 1 gal. that I sweeten. They clear fine without clearing agents.I've bottled and they've been on rack for 4 months. What am I looking for?
I add sorbate all the time when I rack from secondary into carboy to start clearing. Never had a problem clearing. I for the most part dont use clearing agents in my wines. Just let them clear on their own. The only time I use anything is in BD or in kits that call for it.

well like others stated, I do not use clearing agents and yes I have added sorbate when the wine was still clouding and had no issues, normally the wine is clear when I add but I have done it when the wine was still cloudy. I do not use clearing agents because I age for a year and sometimes longer in the carboy and wines will clear on their own if given enough time.

I will, also, ask why do you want to do this? I do not see what that will prove. Who is to say that the two people will post exactly everything they do? You have no control for this experiment.
Same here, anytime I make Dragon Blood, I add the K-Meta, Sorbate and Sparkloid all at the same time, per instructions. So far, haven't had any issues(other than the whispys that Sparkloid leaves).
I'm not sure what we're testing for.Is it something after the 3 month bottling age thats we're looking at? Is it with the sorbate? or the use of clearing agents? And like cmason, I've got plenty of 6 gal ones done as you asked above

sorry, I'm just not sure what the test is for :?
Same here, anytime I make Dragon Blood, I add the K-Meta, Sorbate and Sparkloid all at the same time, per instructions. So far, haven't had any issues(other than the whispys that Sparkloid leaves).
:ot: DJ those wispy's don't happen with chitosan/kiesesol. Another 1 gal test I did using the same wine ;)
i know you all add sorbate but, im asking it to mix with wine to disolve, then add to the wine,.
This is the reason:
In some of my early wines, I followed instructions and mixed with wine to disolve with campden....those peticular batches were cleared and bottled.
they all have some kinda floatie things in them.
the batches made disolving the sorbate in water not...
i am not trying to proof anything julie.
I mix mine with wine to dissolve by racking onto it. I have also pulled a small amount of wine out and added that to the sorbate. I do not believe that I have ever (well maybe the first few wines I made from a kit, following directions exactly) added water to the chemicals, then added that to the wine.

As a side note, I always add KMeta at the same time as the sorbate.

Why didn't you just say what problem you had and asked if this happen to anyone else or if anyone had a solution?
But I add mine direct and have never had "floaties" to testing it by premixing won't change the outcome. maybe you just never dissolved it properly in the wine being your beginner days. I believe as long as it's dissolved proper it doesn't matter how it's added. Bentonte,because it could clump, and some things you want to mix with a bit of water to stop the "volcano" from happening ie yeast hulls
Since this was in one of your first wines, I am going to guess that your racking technique has improved. One other thing that maybe be a problem is racking to soon, after adding chemicals. I always let things sit, at a minimum two weeks (dragons blood) and often much longer. It takes times for all that stuff to fall out and there is wine magic going on down there in the lees.
Never a problem with sorbate "floaties" but I suspect your problem is with the campden. The tablets are notorious for causing insoluble floaties because in order to make them into a tablet form, binders are added to the k-meta. IF you use campden tablets, crush them into a powder first in a mortar and pestle and then dissolve it. Otherwise it is best to use pure potassium metabisulfite powder.
Never a problem with sorbate "floaties" but I suspect your problem is with the campden. The tablets are notorious for causing insoluble floaties because in order to make them into a tablet form, binders are added to the k-meta. IF you use campden tablets, crush them into a powder first in a mortar and pestle and then dissolve it. Otherwise it is best to use pure potassium metabisulfite powder.
good thought! I've never used the tablets I've always used powder.
Never a problem with sorbate "floaties" but I suspect your problem is with the campden. The tablets are notorious for causing insoluble floaties because in order to make them into a tablet form, binders are added to the k-meta. IF you use campden tablets, crush them into a powder first in a mortar and pestle and then dissolve it. Otherwise it is best to use pure potassium metabisulfite powder.

Thanks for that post Greg! Maybe that's what happened to my DB... I only used to use the k meta powder and I ran out and ended up using campden tablets which I crushed as fine as I could in a ziplock bag, don't have a mortar and pestle. I think next time it's going in the coffee grinder... I thought my problem was dumping the sorbate directly into the wine as per the DB instructions, I didn't know that ppl were mixing it with water first. I also didn't think it was a dissolving problem as the very next thing I do is degass it... so I don't think it could have been that that caused some floaties in a few of my bottles...
one gallon any wine any recipe, but add sorbate when it is cloudy and mix with wine first, then bottle when clear, with are without clearing agent , and letting it sit 3 mos on the shelf.

I was excited when I read your thread. But then I read add this and add that and I said, "that's ok". LOL.

You know me.