Mosti Mondiale Anyone receive their FEB Meglioli release yet??

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Sep 17, 2008
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I was curious to hear if anyone has received their Feb release Meglioli limited? I placed an order for a Barolo from my local LHBS (to save shipping to NY) but as of today they have not received it into their store. They had quoted a Feb 13 release.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I’ll be leaving on vacation for 2 weeks and will check back with them when I get back but was curious to see if there has been any delay in kit shipments?

I ordered from George and it arrived more than a week ago.

You know, George's Grower's Club normally takes care of shipping, too.

- Jim
I should have known and ordered from George..... Live and learn I guess.

I'll call them after I get back from vacation and if the kit is still not in, I'll tell them not to bother....

After all I read about the Barolo I was very excited to try it!
Ours arrived from George long ago. It's fermented racked and in the ageing process.
Well I received a call from my LHBS and they told me that my kit has finally arrived. Not sure what the hold up was... Perhapse it was a second batch run or maybe they only receive orders once and a blue moon (to save shipping cost on their end?)

Look forward to getting this kit in the works... But next time I'll be ordering from George...
