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Senior Member
Oct 31, 2007
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Would any one be intrested in doing another wine exchange for Memorial Day May 29? I hope the 1st one went well, but not much feed back posted. My Apple Cherry will be pretty good by then, also my bottled Pommy, so what say you, no guts no glory
Im in as long as EVERYONE</font> that signs in delivers on their promise reagardless of what happens!</font>
Tommy: I think it's a good idea, but I think we should post our inventory and allow one person to pick from it. If you don't want to let a particular wine go, then don't list it. I think one of the major success's of past wine exchanges is due in part to sharing a particular wine with a person because they have never tried it. I would rather send a bottle of stags leap Merlot to someone that has never had it, or has made a cheap kit and doesn't like it after a month in the bottle............ so it's not just fun, it's a learning experience, and a helpful way to allow a sample tasting before someone runs out to buy a kit they don't like.......... Just my opinion.

EDIT: Oh yea........... What Wade said also....... Do what you say your going to do. If for any reason you can't, send a PM, it's all good.

Edited by: jobe05
why don't you run it then Jobe if you would be so kind, good ideas, I'm in.
I'd love to go in on this as I have lots to share, but cross border wine shipping is quite illegal here, unless I agree to pay duties on the perceived value of the wine, which I don't want to give my Gov't anymore money than I have to.
Thanks for the thought Dean, we sure don't want you to break any laws, as I don't have bail money. Tomy
OK Tommy, your on! I'll do it.

Here's how it will work for all who are interested in participating/exchanging:

1) Between now and next Thursday 2/7, PM me with the wines that you would have available for exchange. You can PM me with 1 or 10 different wines it doesn't matter, YOU ARE ONLY EXCHANGING ONE (1) BOTTLE to the person who post an "ask".

2) Please include some type of description of your wine, or the manufacturer and kit type. Also a bottled date, so people can get an idea of the age of the wine.

3) I will compile a list of participants and the wines they offer for exchange and post that list at 7:00 PM Saturday February 9th.

4) First come (ASK) first serve! But only for those who have entered a wine for exchange purposes. If you don't offer a wine, you cannot play (ASK). All you have to do to claim a wine is post the offerer and the wine that you want! THAT IS CONCIDERED AN "ASK" Again, POST THE OFFERER AND THE WINE YOU WANT!!!!!!!!! It will be up to each offerer to keep track of who wants to try your wine, and who has "asked" for 1 bottle of it "first", and to make sure you get an address and get it shipped in a "Timely" Fashion!

5) Once an "ASK" for a wine from an offerer has been posted, that offerer can not be ASKED for any more wine, his/her offer is closed! The first post rules! Period!
</font></font>6) All the above will hold true unless Masta or George find anything listed a violation of any nature. The above will also hold true and be final unless someone comes up with a great idea and can add to this, but it's the best that I can think of right now............

If Moderators have viewing rights or access to private PM's of other board members, you should not participate. Honesty would be appreciated.

If I have not been clear clear on all the rules above, please ask questions BEFORE YOU PM ME YOUR WINE(s). Once you PM me, your offering is final!

Because I am keeping track of the wines, I will post the offerings, but will hold myself back from posting an "ask" for 1 hour after the opening of the offers. However, if anyone feels sorry for me, I'm looking to try a good Amarone................ sigh......

Edited by: jobe05
Wanted to post to move this back to the top for those who missed it.

Remember, you can offer 10 different wines, but only one person (who is also making an offer) can ask for one bottle.
GOOD MORNING JoBE,,,how is the group coming along with the exchange,there seams to be alot going on in the carboys how many responses have you recieved?,do you think it will get off the ground and when? waiting to ship ///jp
well if nobody don't mind lets get started,may be some others will join in later,what do you say wade,who else is there beside you jobe?lets let the games begin!
Sorry I didn't respond back Joe, Headed out the door right when I posted that.

I think we should wait till I post the final offerings to insure that all have the opportunity to share what they wish.
Ya'll wouldn't want to wait to see if Waldo will offer a bottle of the Muscadine? NW a bottle of her famous (or infamous) Chokecherry wine? JW's Wild Grape wine? PWP with that Orange Chocholate port? Do you think she would swap a bottle of that for a chance to get something she has never had, and so many other great wines out there. I would love to try one of the Mosti all Juice wines that everyone raves about, so far, no one has made an offering for any...............

Edit: Didn't mean to put anyone mentioned in this post on the spot, you are under no obligation, they were used for example purposes only.

Edited by: jobe05
I dont mind waiting but it doesnt look like anyone else wants to join. Anyone else want to jump in please do as we have to end this eventually.
Come'on............ Whats a couple more days?

Ya never know............ Over 1000 members and only 4 ship wine out...........

I find that hard to believe.
Maybe after all the people backing out last time its deterring people this time. Like I said though Im in no hurry.